
Tuesday 27 November 2018

27th November "COPTS"

While in the shower on Saturday, a figure wearing a black cloak appeared before yours truly, and they had the glorious sun shining behind them.

A black cloak can indicate a person that is hidden, the person had large black wings, it reminded me of batman.  Some monks wear black cloaks over a white undergarment. 

St Anthony wore the Coptic garment. Eastern orthodoxy wear black. 

Russian scientists discovered wearing black impacts upon the energetic body in an adverse way, you'd think that the Eastern orthodox would've known that wouldn't you? Jesus did like to work with different colour frequencies for healing. The healing temples of bright colours. The last time I was in Egypt, a spiritual friend and I met some Coptic children. They came running over to us when they saw us wearing the key of life. It was how they could identify us, and they were so happy to greet us on our way to visit an ancient site.

I did buy a blanket wrap on Saturday, although it is a strong pink. It reminds yours truly of 2006, when I was divinely instructed to wear pink for the first mission to Israel. Melchizedek does like me in pink and gold. All of the contributions that have been made to help humanity and now a new journey begins. 


November 2018

"Thus saith the Lord, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: what kind of a house will ye build me? and of what kind is to be the place of my rest? For all these things are mine saith the Lord: and to whom will I have respect, but to the humble and meek, and the man that trembles at my words?"

Two years ago I wrote that Greece will be saved, and when it is, Israel will celebrate.  Interesting that Prophet Isaiah mentioned Greece too in chapter 66. The LORD asked for the "Septuagint" this year so I bought a copy of the Septuagint Psalms. After reviewing the Septuagint translation, it mentions the Psalms that would be brought by the children of Israel. Synchronicity indeed. 


November 2018.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that today I heard that a dear friend has been invited to go to Egypt in January 2019. Best wishes to him and his spiritual journey in Egypt.
