
Tuesday 30 October 2018


I had a dream of Tommy this morning and he was in a war, although he was happy and smiling.

PTSD can feel like that, it can feel like you are in war, you can wake up in the morning feeling like you have been in a war all night.

It is about the soul and it's energy, for the soul is delicate, fragile and when the soul, the sentient being is in shock, it requires time, and a huge amount of magnanimous love healing therapies that includes hands on therapeutic massage and Reiki healing.

It also requires flower essences to get the shock out of the body, to help the energy body to release and recover from the shock that the person may have experienced during their life. Shock in the body, can trigger previous situations that still have to be healed gently, one step at a time.

The tissues of the body also hold onto any harm it has been caused, even blood tests harm the body, and the body remembers what has been done to it.  Like a child when it is vaccinated, the body and it's soul remembers the shock it experienced.

In some serious cases of PTSD, soul retrieval is also required as the soul can fragment.

Jesus the Jewish shaman, shalom, be whole, Jesus was teaching it 2,000 years ago, how people can become whole again in the healing process.

Even a serious car crash or operative procedure can cause some of the soul to flip out, in those cases healing is required for the soul to return in a healthy way.

In dream interpretation, to dream of a person in a war, can indicate success in love interests, and people can heal in the power of love beyond measure. In the dream Tommy was happy and smiling, the power of love, and laughter has helped him to overcome and be victorious.

The Indians say that Jupiter is in Scorpio transit and health wise that can impact on the reproductive systems of the body, fertility, prostate etc. Women also have a prostate, not only men, and the body of women can also suffer shock when they have a traumatic birth as I did whilst being born, and while giving birth to my son.

Western astrologers are talking about the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit that begins on the 9th of November that takes us into December 2019. Sagittarius the traveller, and 2019 is a great year for wisdom due to the numerics of it. Expansion of the horizons for yours truly, as Sagittarius is my ascendent sign.

I can appreciate why, some men associate PTSD with "post-natal depression". Although with the correct nutrition that can also be alleviated without pharmaceuticals that damage the organs and the endocrine system of the body. If you have to take pharmaceuticals to keep you alive, then you must eat foods that detoxify the body on a daily basis.

Nutrition is imperative to make sure that the body requires everything that it requires to suit the different systems in the body. I've identified that different systems in the body, and different health conditions require different nutrients so that the body can operate at it's optimum. My research and experiences have been divinely led and guided in this regard.

A great time for Tommy too, now planning his tour of Australia with Avi, and it has been requested that he speaks at the US Congress in America. Love will prevail, and when a man is compelled by love there is nothing that he cannot achieve. It's not just about men either, for extraordinary women can do extraordinary things.

For the health of the nations and it's children, I wish you love beyond measure. Salvation is the mystics term for self-preservation, and I sent Tommy cumin seeds, as the heavenly Father asked for "CUMIN' and cumin seeds are for preservation of the intestines. The Greeks have cumin seeds as a condiment for those that like it or require it for their health. Everything is being brought back to their remembrance. 

Hence, when we are looking at a health situation, be it a person group or a nation, yours truly is looking at it on multi-dimensional levels through the eyes of love. Although every person is unique with a unique life and stories to tell. 

As far as the prostate is concerned in this timeline, eat plenty of tomatoes, fresh and cooked. It's also a great time for fish chowders, sea food dishes, paella, and those kind of meals. I eat marinated herring, marinated anchovies, mussels, prawns and smoked mackerel is lovely hot or in a salad. 

Make sure that you are getting plenty of nutrient boosters. I also eat nuts and seeds and make sure that I get plenty of manganese that is essential for joints and collagen boosters for the connective tissue that supports the bone structure. 

I have some smoked salmon to eat today, and I shall have it with scrambled eggs, and black pepper with some fresh tomatoes. Diana's favourite breakfast was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and eggs are a great energy booster. Our heavenly, merciful, and compassionate Diana would definitely have loved Tommy. 

Love to Tommy, his family, to his supporters and all that you do. Always in my heart. 

Human life is worth more than Islam could ever be.

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