
Thursday 11 October 2018

Thank You Vision

While bathing today I saw lime green energy pulsating, lime green is the energy of creative forgiveness.

Then the energy was on top of the golden Christos energy, then I just dosed off in the energy.

When I woke up, my open eyes could see a vision of something that someone had sent me, it looked like an email. I began to read the words written in it, it was a thank you email. The person had come to a realisation of what is really important in life.

As I was reading it, I began to think about what had been typed, and as I began to think about it, it began to fade away. So I didn't get to read the rest of it, or who sent it. The importance of saying thank you and showing your gratitude is divine.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to the wedding couple that married today at Windsor. A green and white wedding.
