
Thursday 25 October 2018

Taurus Full Moon

Taurus full moon all about the home and the home front. We've had Labour party members holding "anti-Israel" meetings in London. Jewish people not allowed to enter the meetings even when they have tickets to attend. BREXIT battles continue.

Tommy had a success in London with his court case yesterday, supported by thousands, on the ground, by his side with the black berets.

The 24th of October is the "Day of Detail", so ponder upon how that is impacting upon your life right now. For some of us that were born in the 50s it's time to get everything at home in order.

That can mean shedding what you don't require. Passing on what is important for the next generations to receive. Keeping the legacy going, for as it is written in the Septuagint, "I have strengthened the pillars". The pillars of life that sustain humanity through the ages.

When you know who you are, your name is given to you inscribed upon a pillar divinely. It is everlasting in the kingdom of God. What matters more to you than that? What is more important what man gives you or what the divine give you? Ponder upon it! 


For yours truly this is a time of passing on what is beneficial for the future generations. Making sure that what they require is in safe hands for the future of humanity. Making sure that the generations of the future are prepared and equipped to defend our homelands with love, truth and integrity. As I used to say, forewarned is forearmed. You may find yourself paying bills, sorting out paperwork, attending to emails, you might even find an offer of help amongst those emails as I did. 

The 25th of October is the "Day of Form", so you may find yourself filling in forms too. 


I just phoned our energy company to pay a small bill, and this song was playing. One of dad's favourites. He used to sing this song a lot. Unforgettable.

1 comment:

  1. So it's what is known as a "Hunter Moon" and the energies are impacting upon Aquarians, Aries, Scorpio's and Taurus. Love and relationships. For single people they could meet the love of their life, for those already in a relationship, they're relationships can be rekindled. It does have an energy of change with it, although some people find change difficult. Aquarians thrive on change, as they don't like standing still.
