
Wednesday 3 October 2018


More disclosure in regard to the American Dr Ford Case. I recommend that everyone interested in the Dr Ford case reads this collection of facts at The Last Refuge. Does it prove collusion between Christine Blasey-Ford and her friend. Monica L McLean that did the polygraph test? It certainly looks like there is enough evidence to prove it.

I have to say that the prosecutor Rachel Mitchell also did an excellent job during the hearing, I was most impressed.

There will be a ceremony to celebrate although it doesn't look like the American Liberal Democrats will be celebrating on their plane of existence that is crashing into the ocean of emotion. Maybe they thought that they could jettison off from the Obama titanic that hit the iceberg, and fly into safety because of what Obama and Clinton had done.

Truth always has a way of revealing itself to the eyes that can see and hear. The heat is certainly on today, 3rd of October, 2018, the "Day of the Trendsetter".


Virtue is greater than any value that you can place upon it.

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