
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Seasonal Muscle Weakness

American children have been suffering from a seasonal muscle weakness from the age of 4 and some of the children are paralysed by it. Doctors are calling it a "neurological mystery" and the onset appears to happen when the weather changes.

However, I would like to take the case studies of some of those children and take a look at their nutrition, lifestyles, when and where they were born. Also look at their parental case histories.

I would look at where they have any blockages in their body too. We know that when the weather changes it does impact upon the body.

Even I experience less fitness when the weather changes, the wintertime is the most difficult time for yours truly and the older I've got, I've noticed that the more impact the weather has. Some people are more prone and more susceptible to the weather than others. This Aquarian water bearer has been susceptible to the weather since I was a child.

So why are they calling it a neurological health issue? Is everything neurological now as far as the American medics are concerned? Have the doctors checked those children for mineral deficiencies?

After my dad left the army and married my mother, after I arrived, he became paralysed, he was only in his 20s. He was in a London hospital for six weeks while the hospital were trying to find the cause.

His friend went to the hospital daily to feed him, he fed him healthy nutrients, food that he hadn't eaten before, raw food, salads that would include dried fruit and nuts. After that dad got better and was able to walk again, truly, his recovery was miraculous.

After that he always ate better food than he had done prior to his stay in hospital and he always ate his nuts and would give his daughter; fruit, nuts and sultanas's to eat.  He loved to sing Matt Monro songs.

His body was clearly deficient in the appropriate nutrients and minerals that the body requires to work properly. What a learning curve it was for the Aries man on how important nutrition is to the body, he experienced a health miracle.

When I was born in the 50s, British people were still on food rationing stamps, and the food available was also limited. My mother would get cross with him because all the Son of Joseph would eat when they first got married, was steak and chips, sometimes he would eat peas, his long stay in hospital changed that.

In those days people were born in families with a lot of children, so there wasn't much food to go around. He used to talk about how when they were children they were given dripping on bread to eat, and jam sandwiches.

He could've written a wonderful autobiography and shared his story of eating his way to health and how one of his best friends dutifully fed him the appropriate nutrients when he required it. Dad also had the most amazing healing hands, he would've made a wonderful professional healer, he often massaged my mum's body for her with the power of his love. He would massage her neck and shoulders, and her feet while they were watching and listening to television together. Truly his love was deep and he always showed his gratitude to his wife.

You know what the Greek Hippocrates and Carl Jung had to say about physicians don't you?                 

"A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician" Hippocrates


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