
Tuesday 23 October 2018


In the latest German study it has been found that CBT is negative for over 40% of patients.

You may not be aware that CBT was developed in America in the 80s, and the EU decided to standardise all healthcare in European countries with CBT included in it.

Not only have they put CBT practitioners working with NHS patients, as far as I am aware, they've also put them into job centres etc.

In England, I also found that at an IAPT CBT conference, they were telling their practitioners to close their files to improve their stats. As CBT funding from the government is based upon results.

Clinical academics in European countries have challenged the stats of CBT because their stats don't stand up to academic scrutiny. Although IAPT CBT stats are different to independent studies of cases.

As Jesus said, "Some things are too delicate to discuss".

The soul is delicate and can be easily crushed in the hand. It requires very experienced healers to walk the journey of the highway to holiness. Sometimes a cuddle and a Reiki hug of love is what a person requires the most, the touch of love, a smile, being held physically in the arms of love.

To feel that the power of love exists gives people hope and keeps the light of hope alight.

I remember a dear woman on one of my Reiki practitioner training courses, after I had put my healing hands on her for 45 minutes, she turned to me and said, "no-one has ever touched me so tenderly, no-one has ever touched me like you have". That elderly woman was married, yet it was the first time that she had felt real love. When will governments appreciate the importance of the power of love in the healing process? The power of love that creates miracles.

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