
Thursday 11 October 2018


The British government have done it this time with their appeasing the Muslim community over a photograph of our young military with Tommy Robinson. They cannot control, nor do they have the right to control who people love, our people have the choice to love who you choose.

They didn't like it did they, when so many British people loved Diana, not only British people either, she was loved internationally. They didn't like it did they, when Diana was more popular than they were. Nor do they like it that Tommy is so popular with the working classes and people from all walks of life internationally. Tough, get used to it, even President Trump and political leaders in other countries love Tommy Robinson for his gumption, courage and tenacity. Expressing his freedom to love the way that he chooses to express it, defending our people, families and children. 


You see the British monarchy like to have the love of the British people, because that is the only thing that can keep them living the way that they do, in the lifestyle that they have become accustomed too, but they cannot make you love them. 

Your heart is your heart to give and to share, your heart to decide who to love and not to love. That is your freedom to choose, and freedom to love. Even how much you love and how you show and express your love. 

Always remember that they can't take your love from you, it is yours to own and yours to give generously, love freedom, and freedom loves you right back. What greater love is there than the love that gives you the freedom to love who you wish to love. Spiritual independence includes the freedom to love, love freedom. No greater time to defend your love and your hearts than now, defend your families and their hearts, and the love of your children that you love. 

They can't make any of you love something or someone that you don't, they can't make your children love something or someone that they don't. They can't make you love any ideology, or any belief system, they can't make you love any political party, education system or monarch.  Allow your love to flow freely from your hearts, for you were born free to love whomever you wish.

The Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

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