
Thursday 25 October 2018


This is a lovely song from America as they approach their mid-term elections. Tim McGraw singing humble and kind.

Tommy is humble and kind, another reason why he reached so many hearts around the world. There is nothing that a man cannot achieve when he is compelled by love. The freedom to love @awesome, the freedom to choose who you love. Some MP's don't like it do they, that the real people love Tommy and his humble heart. I've seen so many people defending him on-line, rich hearts they have. 

Some people have got a lot of explaining to do, those that are defending youtube, don't appear to get it, and what has happened to that man in the last ten years at the hand of the state. England made Tommy a "political prisoner", so let them explain it themselves why they should do something like that on our soil. Maybe the attorney general will have the integrity to explain why Tommy has been "persecuted", for so many years by the main stream media and the justice system. 

Is Tommy really a threat to their reality, is truth a threat to the British government's narrative that the people have gone far beyond. When will the main stream media journalists become humble and kind, when will they choose to write and print the truth about him? They write 100s, when in fact there were thousands outside the old bailey. 

The same mainstream media that gave Obama and Clinton, a free pass over and over again, while it was the people that were exposing the truth. It comes to something doesn't it when independent citizen journalists have been doing a better job than the MSM in sharing the facts. Both in the UK and America. 

Do check out the videos from Project Veritas Action, amazing undercover investigative work in America. Unveiling the Deep State. James O'Keefe has done brilliantly, another humble heart. 

As prophecy says, "Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble". 


Do you remember when Jesus called for "Elijah's Fire", that was a year that was. I can't agree with America and the billions that they spend on "Halloween ", most of what they buy comes from China, and they wonder why they've got a trade deficit.

I don't like it when I see it being promoted in the UK stores either. 

Wisdom was called to do the count on Obama when called to do so (Rev 13) and we know all about his promotion of the "power of fear" whilst he was in South Africa this year. We know about his promotion of Islam and the EU too. 

The American Liberal Democrats are done, so are the Labour Party and it's supporters that hold "anti-Israel" meetings in London.  I won't put up with it, some of the Israeli's that I met in Israel, were some of the most humble and kind hearted people that I've met in my life. 

During my life I've also worked for Jewish guys in various different jobs in London, and they were always incredibly kind to me. 

My first full-time job in London, age 15, was for a Jewish firm of solicitors in Shaftesbury Avenue, my first job, messenger and filing clerk. Bless, they did make a fuss of the little girl, they were so protective.  I used to run around the west end, from one solicitors to another, and when I got back, they would say, "that was quick, you're back quick". 

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