
Friday 5 October 2018


Venus Retrograde as really kicked in so just giving you another update on progress with the energies so far as today is the "day of just cause".

This energy can bring a mixture of love delights, although depending on where you are in your life cycle it can impact upon your life differently.

So for instance a person that is in a six year, will stay in their life phase for at least the next three years before they will make a turn into a new direction.

I'm in a one year so for this creative mystic it is an overlap year, leaving the previous phase behind, sorting out practicalities so that there can be a joyous year in the two year next year in 2019.

The Venus Retrograde can bring some tears early on in it; due to the reminders and memories that relate to past situations. It can bring explosive joy and cheekiness in the power of love that exists too.

Creative Venus putting our actions of love into practicalities at this time. Love what we do and what we do loves us right back, so a great time for decorating in the home and refurbishment. A great time for changing energy suppliers due to the service offered. A good time for boiler and H&V checks etc, making sure that everything is working as it should be.

So what did you love to make this week? I made my very first hazelnut cake, it was really lovely. I do like nut cakes for the nutrients, indeed, very practical. The mystical hazelnut of the saints, especially St Julian of Norwich and divine love that was given the hazelnut divinely. People used to say that I had hazel eyes, because my blue eyes have some brown specks in them.

So for yours truly it is a hazelnut Venus retrograde, although I am bound to make some almond cake another favourite cake of mine. Oh, I do like almonds very much. So what do the nuts mean to yours truly, nutrients for the body, come on everyone, get on track, don't forget you have to eat what your body requires for it's health and not what others like the pharmaceutical companies think you should have.

Remember this America, Dr Ford worked for big pharma, her family CIA, do you remember when we received the CASEY message earlier in the year, I remember it. Interesting how the name CASEY links to the CIA, and Dr Ford's work for the corporations, gracious me, Dr Ford even worked for the CIA training it's students!

I also remember receiving the message "He will be free by September".

The dream of Americans was about just allowing it to go where it's going, it's not our culture war. Europeans have a different mentality, we've already suffered war on our soil and Europeans of my era will never forget how our families suffered because of it. We said, "Never again", and we meant it!

Although there was also the recurring transportation dream that linked to Wales and Wales links to UKIP and also past lives. A reminder of the rainbow message that I received while I was in Wales in the mid 90's on a training course.

The divine message received over and over again, during the last week was SEPTUAGINT, that then is another message relating to Greece and one that relates to the ancient texts. Hence, I'm being taken back again to the ancient texts, this time the Greek text translation. It also means "70", LXX. 


I must admit I do enjoy examining ancient mystical texts from a practical viewpoint, through the eyes of a mystic, the spiritual light is on, full on in my reality.

I hope those that read this are also full on with the light body, and listening clairaudiently, the lighter a woman is - the easier it is to move around. Back on with inversion therapy, practical exercise, and stretching exercises. Do you remember I also had a dream about a surgeon recently who was discussing "inversion"?

Remember this that every child has the potential to renew and rejuvenate creation. Virtue is greater than any value anyone can place upon it. The Greeks certainly understand the importance of virtue, so it's interesting to see why some of the Athenians stood against Socrates.

While Russell Brand is preaching to people about transcending international politics, love asked him, what would you do Russell if your child was taken from your loving arms, and not returned, for that is what the Turks did to some of the Greek families, their children were not returned to them.

What would you do if your friends, family and loved ones died defending you Russell? Would you a as a man evacuate? What would you do Russell Brand to defend real love of the feminine and it's virtues? What is freedom worth to you? The keyword of every true Aquarian water bearer is freedom, and that freedom of spiritual being cannot be contained in any box!

Trying to stop this Aquarian water bearer is like trying to stop the rain, you might be able to catch some natural resource if you know how too! What does she suffer from Elijah's pain, Jacobs trouble, Joseph is the flame, and Jacob is the fire and I have fire in my ascendent.

At the same time there are orthodox Jews that think opening a scroll on a particular page is a miracle, last night the Rebbe was laughing with me at what I had written to them.

That opening a scroll isn't a miracle, anyone can open a scroll dumbo's. Not everyone can give a man his manhood back, now that is a miracle, "explosive joy"!

I know that the Rebbe does love me, he's been appearing before me since I went to mystical Safed in September 2007. I laughed last night, as I remembered the translator in Safed, driving me around, showing me photographs, asking "is that who saw?" We finally arrived at the photo of the right one, bless him.

Blessings in abundance, with Great Spirit. Venus Retrograde is a good time to count your blessings for all that you have received divinely.

Yes the harvest, I've still got flowers appearing on the strawberries, tomatoes are still growing, so are the capsicum, chilli's, spinach, pak choi, lettuces, and so much more. It's a great day for gardening and growing food today, very practical, blue skies and sunshine.

Love beyond measure have a great transit from October to November, autumn to winter. Stay grounded and enjoy all that love brings to you in a practical way.


  1. While I was gardening this afternoon, I was completely enveloped in the fragrance of almonds, I knew immediately, the soul connection with Greece!

  2. What else is happening, PJW is freaking out about love on youtube! I asked him, can you feel the impact of Venus Retrograde!
