
Sunday 21 October 2018


I had another garden dream this morning, I was in a large garden reorganising it, and I had fuchsia in my hands. Then there was another lady and she was showing some people her bulbs that hadn't flowered with Spring flowers.

In dream interpretation if something didn't flower for someone else it signifies an "occasional brief disturbance", but on the whole a comfortable life. A dream that includes a garden in bloom is the absolute best and foretells spiritual satisfaction, domestic love and financial security. 

A dream of Spring out of season, points to happiness in affairs of the heart. However, if you see fuchsia flowers in your dream it is a warning of "nervous tension" and to relax more. 

I do have a fuchsia painting, I called it dancing ladies. 

So the dream is locating "nervous tension" and the requirement to relax more. Nervous tension can make a person "irritable". In medical astrology, mercury rules the nervous system, and I have the mercury communicator as a moon sign.

The Greek Hippocrates always did like his medical astrology, and he held the gnosis that you couldn't be a physician without it.

Nervous tension in my body can impact on communications in my life in matters of the heart, and that which I am passionate about, although I do have the moon under my feet, a scar from childhood.

In the dream I was reorganising the garden and yesterday we were chatting about taking our supplements for nutrient boosters.

As Venus goes direct again in mid November, Mercury is then retrograde in Sagittarius my ascendent sign, until December the 6th, so not a good time for travelling until after it goes direct in Scorpio.

Hence, time out for nurturing the self is being called for. October 21st is the "Day of Difference".

Flower essences are brilliant for the nervous system, as they are so gentle for the body. Another reason why I recommend flower essences for children to take.

Love and Love 

A Greek niece with her uncle, she shared this song with him,
so that they could sing it together. So adorable.

Fruits like melon and pineapple are also excellent to calm the nervous system, very gentle for the body. When there is tension in the nervous system if can cause sciatica, so I have an inversion table for solving that. Goats milk, Greek yogurt and Greek Feta Cheese is also great for the back. All included in the healthy Greek diet.

If I do inversion daily, I don't get sciatica, it also stretches the body. Incredibly important when you've shrunk in height, like I have, shrunk two inches in height. Also remember that the nervous system runs from head to feet and into the hands. So when you see your animals stretching their bodies, you know the reason why.

This weekend we have also been discussing turmeric with America Christians, a major issue with turmeric and ground spice's is the amount of lead that has been found in it.

So I tend to eat fresh turmeric, when I do, although there are other foods that are more important for nutrient boosting of my body.  My chosen supplements include joint glucosamine with manganese, 750mg, Coq10, and a collagen drink. I also have a supplement for eyes for self-preservation of my eyes and real saffron.

Salvation was the mystics term for self-preservation, for that is what Jesus was teaching his followers to do. To preserve your minds, bodies and souls on the healing path.

This time of year it is also important to have a lot more fluids for the body e.g. soups. Chicken brine in soups is also an essential this time of year. Last night I cooked my roast chicken in garlic, lemon slices, celery, carrots, onion, and rice bran oil. It is possible to eat your way to health, as my dad proved in his 20s, he did love his gardening too.

He loved his fruit and nuts, so I shall make another hazelnut cake this weekend. I do eat golden sultana's every day, and I do love fresh dates. I can sit and eat a whole pack of dates. In fact, I prefer dates to chocolate.

While I've been writing this blogpost lime green energy was appearing on the curtain on the left side.

If you're wondering why I share so much with you, I've always worked in self-disclosure in the therapeutic process to help others with their health and healing process.

Cosmic rays and health risks what does it mean to you?

1 comment:

  1. While in my healing room today on my inversion table exercising, there were loads of energetic birds flying across the room. Some were pink and looked like flamingo's. On Corfu there is a lagoon of flamingo's called Lefkimmi he put my name everywhere. Big smiles.

    It is written that when you see the flamingo's it is a sign of Spring and Spring bulbs were in the dream this morning.

    The Greeks say that the flamingo's have been arriving at the lagoon for the last ten years.

    Flamingo's are also found on the Greek island of Lemnos.

    My healing room full of birds.
