
Monday 1 October 2018

Dream of Americans

This morning I had a dream of Americans and there were loads of guys that kept coming towards me, behind them was Ivanka Trump. They were trying to find out what I knew, but I wouldn't tell them anything that was really important.

In the dream I was sharing with someone that Ivanka Trump had gone through all my personal belongings in my desk without my permission. The fact that there was a desk in the dream indicates that it applies to the work environment.

The American politician and her army of guys were trying to stop me from leaving, prior to it actually happening.


Then the dream moved into a recurring dream, that began recently, where I had begun a bus journey and had to change buses. When it came to changing buses, I was trying to find out where I had to go to get on the next bus, and what time the bus would be arriving. I was leaving to go on vacation and for some reason WALES kept on being mentioned as a location. In the dream it was while I was on vacation that Ivanka went through everything in my desk, while I was away from it. The last time I was in Wales was in the mid 90s.

Ivanka Trump epitomises everything that the English don't like about corporate America, it's corporations and 'hostile takeovers" of British companies like Cadbury's.

I wasn't happy in the dream about her actions in my regard. In the dream Ivanka and her army were "ruthless", their materialism was paramount and I am the complete opposite to her due to my spirituality.

The dream was about "materialism -v- spirituality". Is there any country more materialistic than America? If there is please tell. Remember it was American materialism that got America in debt with China!

In dream interpretation a dream that includes a female politician indicates that the effort to help Americans now is "futile", it's a different cultural mentality built upon the American dream.

Ivanka was rummaging through my desk and in dream interpretation it is an indication of "disappointing actions from the American politician".

As far as my travelling on a bus is concerned in dream interpretation to dream of travelling by bus indicates progress towards your heart's desire; waiting for a bus signifies set-backs which will be temporary. Hence progress has been made and there is more to come.

The different buses in the dream indicate that I had begun a new journey and was on my way between the past and the future. That can often happen in a one year in a life cycle, a new phase has begun whilst leaving the previous phase behind.

There really was nothing that they could do to stop yours truly leaving, the American politician just delayed the process.

There were business and personal documents in the dream, that were in the desk, and it can indicate that the situation will resolve itself in my favour. It was a matter of integrity and the way that different people behave, actions speak louder than words and my actions had been documented as evidence of my defence.

Unfortunately, the Americans chose to learn the hard way and that includes the competitive Ivanka that is symbolic of American politics.

Remember during the Obama administration the Americans tried to persuade the British to vote to remain in the EU. However, England and Wales voted to leave the EU, the Celtic Welsh have also retained their original language. It's quite incredible how they've managed to do that. Wales an historic culture, castles, a land of fabulous legends.

There is a big farming community in Wales, so the people tend to be very connected to their land. I have been to Wales a few times during my life, it was far too rainy for my liking. Interesting that it's Welsh name is Kymry, I find my name everywhere in different languages.

That is biblical prophecy for in prophecy the LORD said since ancient times he has put my name everywhere. Were they worthy of the help that the LORD sent, the dream indicates that the LORD knows what Ivanka has done, remember what is written in Corinthians, "no more boasting about human leaders". 

My heart knows that I am of Christ and Christ is of God. 1 Corinthians 3:23

There is a big difference between human wisdom and divine wisdom!

Do you remember when I shared what I had found in that icon and the golden dog that I found in it. 2018 is the year of the dog, and the 1st of October is the "day of top dog". I think you will find that Donald John Trump was also born in the year of the dog and my son was too! I identified it as a dog because it's got a black nose.

So what's the latest news from Wales, today, the Guardian reports that ecology campaigners are doing their utmost to stop the nuclear dumping off the coast of Wales. "Activists call for the halting of nuclear mud". EDF energy is the name of the company that is building the nuclear reactor, Hinkley Point C.

EDF is owned by the French state!

What else do we find, the French company, EDF has a joint venture with China on the building of the nuclear station! This article is from 2015, a broker telling investors to sell their EDF shares.

Whales and dolphins are found on the Atlantic side of the UK, not that the French and Chinese corporation care about them, or the Welsh people and their children.

Hey Ivanka, is your daughter still singing for and in Chinese, did you share with your children that since China took over Hong Kong there are now less dolphins than there were before. Did you tell your children that there is no optimism for the survival of the white dolphins in China?

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