
Saturday 27 October 2018


It's arctic weather in England today, it's on days like this that I wish I lived in a hotter climate, my body doesn't like the cold, I can feel the body tensing up when the temperature drops so drastically.

So what can you do?  Eat, keep the body well fed with nutrients. Exercise on the inversion table and keep on moving, keep the joints moving inside the warmth of the home.

Listen to great music, paint, read, meditate, massage, reiki, whatever helps to relax your body.

Remember the recent dream of the fuchsia indicated that there is nervous tension in the body, that will increase in November when Mercury goes retrograde, so prepare now. Build your body up with the nutrient boosters.

I bought some strawberries yesterday, the nervous system likes soft fruits, strawberries, melon, pineapple, kiwi, Soft and gentle for the body.

I also bought carrots and sweet potato, get your sunny colours on, especially at this time of year. With sweet potatoes there is a lot more nutrients in the skin, so eat them whole after baking in the oven.

With nervous tension in the body you require Vit B to help the nervous system, I am taking B1, Thiamine for eyes as a preventative measure to defend my eyes. As I would prefer to never have any cataract operations as my mother had cataracts in both eyes. I can be quite squeamish, believe it not.

BI is required for the normal functioning of the nerves.

My impulse buy yesterday was a new juicer, as it was reduced to £12.99.

I smiled when I opened the box and saw the lime colour of it, as I have been seeing lime energy recently. "In an animal study published by the ARYA Atherosclerosis journal, lime juice and peel was shown to decrease fatty streaks found in coronary arteries".

I also bought a new water bottle with a star and JOY on it. In it I put sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, and sultanas, great energy food for when travelling around.

Just stay as relaxed as you can to help your bodies, make sure that you have enough fluids, and keep on stretching. Arm stretches, neck stretches, calf muscle stretches, thigh stretches etc.

"Light is sprung up for the righteous and gladness for the upright of heart. Rejoice in the Lord you righteous, and give thanks for a remembrance of his holiness".  For it is true, "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints". Septuagint Psalm 96

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