
Monday 15 October 2018


While in the bathroom today, I saw a lovely Christos golden beam of energy like a laser beam. It was at the bottom of the door that was open, at the bottom of the door on the floor and it was the length of the width of the door. It was like a golden lance, although the length of a sword and it was pointing towards the front and outwards. It's wonderful having the ability to see the energy that is with you.

Looks like it's time for yours truly to pick it up again, during this venus retrograde.

It's no coincidence that today, Julian Assange gets partial use of the internet again after seven months of being cut off from everyone except for his lawyers. At least now he will be able to speak to his mother and children.

Today I also shared about the judges in the UK receiving the proposed 32% pay increase, why?

There are 14 million people and children that are living below the poverty line in the UK, and there is no real justice in the UK unless there is justice for all British people. So no, I don't approve of a pay increase for judges especially after what happened to Tommy in Leeds and whilst people cannot even get legal aid to help them to defend themselves and their human rights.

This paint was spread for Tommy and his family, prior to the Leeds court case.

Just look at what the army have been doing to young army trainees because they had a photograph taken with him. All because the Muslim council complained. Enough of the persecution of Christians it has got to stop! Tommy says that the "British government appeasers are having kittens", "having kittens" is a very old English phrase. He's funny he is, a true Londoner.

Thank goodness there are two legal charities in London. Liberty Human Rights charity, and also Christian Concern have a legal department. Hence, I recommend that the young trainee soldiers that are being threatened by the army to get legal advice from either of those two charities.

I did go for a little walk this afternoon after seeing the golden beam of energy and I met an elderly couple with their two dogs that came over to be touched with these healing hands.

The chocolate labrador also jumped up to my left hip, it was on that side of my body where I first began to experience sciatica and I do have a remedy for it, inversion therapy.

I appreciated the message that the dog gave yours truly, communicating with the animals is lovely. The dogs always share what they would like me to know and this year is the year of the dog. The dogs definitely licked it!

Donald John Trump was born in the year of the dog and he can certainly bark, although his bark is often bigger than his bite. Great to see that he is taking action to clean up the environment, the oceans.

While the American MSM have been sweating over Kayne West, Trump has been getting on with his job, he's a workaholic he is, he thrives on it, he loves it.

Remember what Jesus said to his companions "how many swords do you have?". They replied two, he said it was enough. However, I have three.

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