
Sunday 30 September 2018

Venus Retrograde 5th October

The focus priority is on Greece at this time, and the British Barbara Goldsmith lives in Greece. In this video she shares about "Venus Retrograde" that lasts for 40 days and it begins on the 5th of October until the 16th of November,  in numerics the 5th of October is also the "day of just cause" and the 16th of November is the "day of authority".

I will certainly be uploading some more paintings prior to the Venus retrograde. My Venus is in Pisces the fishes and the dolphins love it when I come to visit them. I remember when I was in the Canaries and they were swimming and jumping either side of the boat, it was such a beautiful scene to see. Dolphins are so joyous! 

The dolphins of unconditional love are always in my heart, although they link in with the thymus of "I accept".  My birth chart is full of water, air, and fire, very little earth to ground yours truly. 

Although my north node is an earth sign and it is aligned with Greece, soul journey to help Greece, didn't Jesus also help the Greeks and the people that came from Greece? In fact, he liked Greek spiritual philosophy and concepts as he spoke of it to yours truly. 

Have you seen this bust that was discovered in the excavations of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city that once was glorious on what is now the border of what is known as Afghanistan. 

A dear platonic British friend shared with yours truly how when he was travelling through that location in the 70s, the tribesmen were still talking about the holy man that came to them from Israel. 

The bust is such an accurate depiction of him. Pure awesomeness with his high cheek bones, and his almond shaped eyes. The most perfect depiction and it was the Apostle Philip whose name was given to the Jesus teachings of perfection. Have you experienced miracles? Oh yes.

UPDATE 2nd of October, 2018. You might already be feeling the planetary energies of Venus retrograde impacting upon you and your life. I have certainly felt it coming in quickly. 

The breakthroughs are still happening too as a one year in my life cycle is always an overlap year. Moving on from one phase of life to a different one, releasing the past phase to fully embrace the new phase that has already begun in my life. 

So pay attention to what you are feeling, what is being shown to you, and how it is impacting upon your life. If you would like a few clues than you might be interested in researching further. 

For yours truly, this morning I had a dream that included an American politician, and the American materialism -v- spirituality. 

Hence, it is a time to be really true to the spiritual self, embracing who you are, and don't allow what is going on in America to impact upon you. 

America has it's own cultural differences to contend with so whatever you do now, don't get drawn into their battles in their country. It's really time to be free of it, and the goddess of Love, that Venus represents is so aligned with Greece, I can appreciate why this has become prominent in my life at this time, it is about a soul journey that was pre-destined and the bible mentions pre-destination. 

My travels to Greece began in the 70s and after the first journey to the mainland and three of the islands it was always in my heart. It's definitely a past life connection and I've definitely lived there in a past life. I knew that deep within my soul on the first visit.

Bible prophecy also foretold that the islands would await the law. I discovered the other day that on the second vacation when we went to the Greek island of Skiathos, we were so very close to Mount Athos without even realising it. 

The last time that I was in Athens, this picture manifested at the airport.  I stopped to take a picture of the ancient statue and when the film from the camera was developed, look what had happened.  

Also during the recent Sukkot, we shared the lovely thought of the day in respect of the explosive joy, so keep that thought in your hearts too. 

It is written that this is a 15th century representation of Venus above the rainbow and hearts are being offered to her. That reminds yours truly of being in Athens, in my hotel room at the Cosmos, and my room was suddenly full of large hearts. It was an incredible experience, great big hearts floating around the room - it is lovely to be able to see energy when it manifests.

The planet Venus reminds yours truly of my white stone that Archangel Gabriel said that I had to have while I was in Assisi on the completion of a training course that had been given.  

The selenite sphere that sits on the shelf in my bedroom with the obsidian sphere. My Reiki Masters stone is a milky rock quartz that sits beautifully in the palm of my hand. Beautiful memories of giving healing and receiving it, truly, the power of love manifests in miraculous ways. 

After updating this post I was given 'CEREMONY' divinely.

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