
Saturday 22 September 2018


Tommy shares the latest information about his case, as he is being taken back to court again at the Old Bailey on the 27th of September, 2018. The persecution of Tommy by the British establishment continues while the world is watching!

He's being denied a jury to make the decision about the facts that he would like to share with the people. He's being charged for sharing facts that were already published. The Attorney General has come up with another two extra charges. Bear in mind even if this man had been in "contempt of court" in Leeds, that is a civil matter and not a "criminal" one. The Old Bailey is a "criminal court", where the biggest cases in the UK are heard.

The world is watching, and I noted during the last court hearing, an American lawyer was also in the court room. Of course a situation like this could never happen in America in American courts and justice system.

So what can you do about this outrageous situation that is being imposed upon one of our people that just wishes to share the truth of the facts.

You can write to your MP's and tell them what you think of this dire situation of injustice, you can also write to the Attorney General, QC because he is also a Conservative MP in Devonshire. His name is Geoffrey Cox and he took office on the 9th of July, 2018. In England, QC means Queen's Counsel, as such you can also write to Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace and tell her how appalled you are at the injustice of this case.

The politicians have to hear from the people, in defence of this man and his and our freedom of speech that is internationally accepted law.

Tommy says that he is willing to die for the cause of freedom of speech in defence of women and children up and down the country, and we can't allow that to happen and especially not at the hands of the so-called British government and it's establishment.

The fact that they are putting this man on trial again for speaking up against Islam on published facts about it, at the Old Bailey, means that they would like to send this man back to prison for another two years to silence him.

Remember what Jesus said all of those years ago, "Silence is Compliance", and we the people shall not comply with Islam, not now, not ever. Our people in our Judeo-Christian country shall never surrender to the ideology of Islam and it's historic cultural genocide of countries, or it's economic and social jihad against countries that it is intent on taking over.

Remember this Muslims ruled Spain for over 700 years, did they teach that to your children in school? Did they tell your children in school about the Islamic murders and rapes that have continued ever since it began in what is now known as Saudi Arabia? Did they tell you how the Saudi crown locked up it's daughters and imprisoned them? Did they tell you about the beheadings that still go on?

Bible prophecy also forewarned us about Islam, and those that overcharge us for oil, it forewarned us of what some Muslims would do to our women and children. The prophecy foretold that the herald would come at the appointed time and run with the prophecy explanation, and indeed the prophecy was shared in 2009-2010 at the appointed time.

If you are interested in that prophecy I recommend that you read Hab 2, because it tells the non-drinkers e.g. Muslims to drink!

The 27th of September is the "Day of Ambiguous Hero" and to many people Tommy is certainly a hero for having the courage to stand up and share the truth of the facts. He's also written a book about it, so they're taking the author to court. When did any other publisher or journalist go to court and then be imprisoned for sharing facts about Islam? It doesn't happen, it's only happened to one man, one man that deserves his freedom, and to live peacefully with his family that he loves.

Donald John Trump, the President of the USA, knows that Tommy has been one of his British supporters, and he knows that the man has been treated unfairly by the British justice system and British media.

Tommy has also been offered political asylum in Germany and Australia, as even politicians in other countries can see that Tommy has been a political prisoner, persecuted by the state.

Will they lock me up too for sharing truth? They tried that already to scare me, I was bullied all night by the police force, it didn't silence me, I do not comply with their actions - I defend freedom of speech and have done for over two decades.

Thank God at least the Dalai Lama speaks righteous common sense, Europe is for Europeans.

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