
Sunday 2 September 2018


September 2018 began with a lovely dream of Putin, and today there has been beautiful weather again in England. While gardening today, Jesus spoke again, I was about to put the multipurpose soil on the top of some seeds and he said, "top soil", so I changed to the soil he was asking for.

So let's have a song for September, the ninth month in a year that compounds to 9, the numeric of completion and divine love.

New moon in Virgo on the 9th/10th depending upon where you live. New beginnings in practicality, and in the practical areas of your life. Virgo the sign of the perfectionist. Hence it does bring forth a time of improvements in your life, raising the bar again, raising the standards! 

Whatever area of your life that requires improvement, consider that and focus on it, just get on with it. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today energy! In my life - September was a good time for starting businesses; a good time for teaching healing training courses abroad, a good time for travelling, and a good time for divine missions. 

The second mission to Israel was in September, teaching in Italy was also in September, so lots of great memories this month of positive achievements in life. Positive achievements and accomplishments can also springboard you into the next phase of your life. One of my achievements this year is growing food, although it is a learning curve and I'm improving all of the time. 

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