
Friday 21 September 2018


Last night prior to sleep I was given the name of Samantha, souls wish to be heard. The name itself can mean "listen" or "listener".  Three people that I knew called their daughters Samantha, although people always shorten the girls name to Sam. Interesting that all of those girls were born with blond hair.


Whether people like it or not souls wish to be heard. Souls that are on the planet and souls that have left the planet. This is the message for today on the 21st of September that is also the "UN International Day of Peace". In numerics it is the "Day of Taste". 

It is often said that spirituality is an acquired taste and some just don't have the taste buds for it. However, how do you know what a meal tastes like unless you are willing to try it? If people don't try it how do they know what soul communications are? How can they judge it if they haven't tried it?

How can people justify their own belief system unless they're willing to be open to trying spirituality and know what they're talking about? How can people judge those that accept life after death as a fact, unless people that judge people's spiritual experiences have experienced it for themselves? 

How can they ever know Great Spirit unless they are willing to walk in love and it's light?

As it is written in the book of the Corinthians "When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true, death has been swallowed up in victory". 2 Corinthians 15:54 

When souls on the planet wish to be heard, like Tommy Robinson wished to be heard, do you honestly think it is any different when they leave the planet? Tommy has said that he is willing to die for the truth of the facts, are you going to be silent and allow that to happen? 

For a man to die for freedom of speech? As Jesus once said to yours truly, "silence is compliance", and we cannot be silent when any of our freedoms are at stake and that includes our spiritual freedom. Freedom of speech has to be defended, by all of us, not just the few that care fully for our freedom to speak. The freedom to speak and the freedom to listen are crucial to our humanity and life on this planet. 

Right now Tommy has to go to court again, for sharing facts about Islam, to the Old Bailey, on the 27th of September, and the British government are not even allowing Tommy to have a jury at the trial. That is outrageous, where is the common decency and justice in this land? 

The British government are determined to continue with their persecution of a man of the people. 

Even the Dalai Lama has spoken up and told the Swedes that Europe is for the Europeans, so why can't Tommy? Why can't we the people share the truth that we stand against cultural genocide that Islam creates everywhere that it goes? Perhaps you should all be asking your MP's, and tell them that enough is enough! 

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