
Thursday 13 September 2018


Last week I received a dream of white paper that looked like it had been destroyed, the thick white paper looked like parchment-papyrus.

After I had the dream I heard the clear voice of Jesus clairaudiently, and he spoke the name of a local woman that had destroyed whatever had been written on the paper. I didn't post the information about the dream until now, as firstly, I waited to see if I received any further information or counsel on any action to be taken in it's regard.

Secondly, I considered the particular woman carefully, and the reason why she could have been triggered by whatever was written on that white paper.

In dream interpretation clean or new paper can be a symbol of your efforts and it must be interpreted based upon it's colour, as we know, white is the colour of purity.

Any form of parchment in a dream augurs a release from current concerns and it can also indicate a successful outcome of any legal matters that might be pending. The only legal matter that I have pending is a passport renewal and that had priority.

Whilst pondering on the dream during the last week, I realised that the woman that Jesus was referring too did say that she had some Asian parental heritage on her mother's side. Hence, I wondered if that had been an influence on what she did and why she did it.

Remember the words written "Everyone that is of the truth, heareth My voice". John 18:37

Jesus the Jewish healer chose his closest companions for our integrity of heart and trustful loyalty - the great works!  The love that was poured out, did you see how they ran when magnanimous love arrived. The power of love that is infectious; some tried hard not to catch it - in case they had to become real love themselves.

There are many scriptures that mention scrolls, and there is even a passage that mentions parchment. Although in the dream something had been removed from my scroll by someone else and there is a clear message in Rev 22 about any removal.

"And if anyone takes away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll" Rev 22:19

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