
Saturday 15 September 2018


I had another dream this morning, and in the dream the man looked like a former husband a man that I married when I was 25 years old. His hair was long and blonde and he was with another woman, a young girl.

Then I saw an American moderator and her hair was dyed royal blue, and her face was a lighter blue, she was with a woman that was shorter in height and she had blonde hair. They were both getting in car to go off and do some activism. She'd had enough, it was time to face off with them in America, those two women were on it. It was time to take action in advance of the mid-term election in America.

Then the blonde haired man in the dream began talking quietly, it was difficult to hear what he was saying, although I did hear him say that he now owned 50 houses.

I just looked at him with that unimpressed look of "so what?" clearly, he was trying to impress me with his financial business achievement and I was never impressed by materialism. At the end of the day, he was the materialistic one out of the two of us.

Then he said, "I will make a wife of you" after that the dream was over.

Then after I woke up and made my morning cup of coffee, I heard the words from a Bryan Ferry song "Let's stick together". 

Then after that I go to youtube and the song had been uploaded for my recommendation. Big smiles, these connections are so strong.

The numeric of 50 houses in the dream is interesting as it is the numeric of the jubilee. The two women in the car were activists getting on with it, then there was the man with a woman so that's four people in the dream including myself makes five people. 50 houses and five people, so the numeric of 5 is important in this dream. 

Then there was the colour blue of the mod's hair and face, healing colours associated with Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and Krishna. Colours also found in the George Michael painting, KYRIACOS. 


Then there was the recent painting with the numeric of five in it with the blue in the centre of it. 

Today is the 15th of September, and it's the "Day of Mastery" in numerics. Five is also a masculine numeric and it links into "learning", and education. It vibrates to Jupiter a planet of expansion, the sign of Sagittarius my ascendent sign, the sign of the traveller and it's keyword is expansion. 

Five also vibrates to "E", "N" and "W". East, north, west. E for Elijah, E for Eliakim, E for Eastern, N for nut, especially an almond nut as my room was filled with the aroma of marzipan yesterday. W for the world wide web. 

In dream interpretation to dream of houses can indicate a renewal of or reunion with an old association. Depending on whether the houses were new or old can mean different things so it's important to know what types of houses they were and in what condition they were in for more accuracy.  If you hear someone talking about houses. I had a sense that some of the properties had been inherited. 

However, the fact that an American mod was in the dream, and there was activism for the mid-terms, relating to the American house, my view is that the dream is pointing in that direction for the focus point at this time. 

In dream interpretation if you know how many people were in the dream, and you remember how many, it can indicate an increase in power and prestige. In the dream the only man in this dream was a property owner, property investor. Hence, in the dream he had what is known as a property portfolio. 


  1. Now it has been revealed that the woman in the dream with the blue face and hair, her birthday and her son's is in special September. She's having a party for her son's birthday, five adults are attending, her birthstone is Sapphire and she drinks Sapphire gin! Big smiles.

  2. Lottery numbers, four numbers with the numeric of five on the 15th of September!

  3. Actually there were five fives in the lottery numbers on the 15th of September and the lottery logo is in two different colours of blue. It included the numeric of 50 mentioned in the dream, and the numeric of 25 that I wrote while writing about it.
