
Thursday 6 September 2018

Lishu'atah = Save

There is an interesting word found in Psalm 80, the word that means "to save " Lishu'atah". The psalm called upon a person who sits enthroned between the cherubim.

"Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,
you who lead Joseph like a flock. 
You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,
shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh.
Awaken your might; come and save us". 

Psalm 80:1-2

Give ear to Israel

The psalm mentions a vine from Egypt and in other scripture the vine of Joseph is also mentioned, in ancient times it is written that Joseph saved the people in Egypt from starvation by preparing in advance for climate change. When looking at scripture it is important to cross-reference.

We are aware how important food and nutrients are for the health of the people, as such, Joseph was also helping the people with their health. In the Psalm, David was asking for it to happen again, as he knew that Moses had asked for the blessing of the bush to be placed upon a descendent of Joseph. Joseph also had a dream that a person would come in his name.

It is also written in scripture that King David had been given a new revelation that three different instruments would come and he clearly knew that one of those people would fit the criteria as specified by Moses.

Biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar and DSS scholar, Geza Vermes also knew that when Jesus spoke of the Son of Man to come he wasn't speaking of himself. "Son of Man", is a term of endearment for a prophet and it is mentioned in Psalm 80. Daniel and Ezekiel were also referred to as "son of man".

It's HOT, Jesus is giving me confirmation of what is written.

On the 29th of October, 2017, I was given a command to "SAVE".

Around that time there was a Scottish woman that required help with her health, and help was being given intensively. The help that stopped her going over the cliff edge with the medical profession in her locality. One thing I can say about her is that when she requires serious help she knows where to come, she knows that I always tell her the truth.

I gave ear to her case and listened carefully to what she had to say, in return she listened to what I shared with her and the woman took the health advice on board enthusiastically.

My view is that it was divine intervention in her life. It was a new case for yours truly, as it was a health condition that I worked with for the first time. Although I have worked with many other health conditions successfully. Of course we always learn something from every new case and condition, and it was while investigating her condition that I discovered the sheer importance of increasing the quantity of iron in the nutrition of 50+ women. The things that the doctors don't tell you!

What I also discovered is that many women with the same medical diagnosis are being operated upon without enough research to back up the necessity for the operative procedure. The women are calling for funding for medical research into the specific condition.  What was most concerning is that if the woman had done what the local medics said, then it would've been the end of her working life and career of her choice.

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