
Sunday 16 September 2018

LIBRA EQUINOX 22/23 September 2018

Special September continues, next week it is the Libra Equinox 22 or 23 depending on where you are on the planet. The 22nd is the "Day of Restless Drive", and the 23rd is the "Day of Breakthrough". The "Day of Restless Drive", also links into the most recent "Mod Dream", as the American female patriot mod was getting into a car in activism. Blue hair and blue face, a sapphire birthstone.

James O'Keefe from Project Veritas is also planning on uploading a series of videos unmasking the deep state in America, so it is full on for the Trump supporters.

This September has been a month for aroma's the marzipan (aroma of almonds) and burning candles; aroma's are mentioned in 2 Corinthians 2, the "aroma of knowledge".

Libra like aroma's and fragrances and everything that is beautiful in their surroundings. So a great time for decorating and DIY before the onset of winter. In my life experience, Libra people tend to be positive in my life, we always get on great together, understanding where each other are coming from. So I am fortunate to have some younger neighbours that were born in Libra.

For London the Libra equinox is on the "Day of Breakthrough". So who was born in Libra, our Greek-British journalist and author Milo. Libra likes harmony in technicolour, balance, and justice, so we are sure to be hearing more from Milo at this time. This is a link to his website.

In Australia a technology lawyer is bringing a class action law suit against Google and Facebook. So you can anticipate a lot of legal situations happening with the Libra equinox. Also in the EU countries are being threatened with legal action if they don't do as they're told to do!

Italy, and Salvini is threatening to withdraw funding from the UN because the UN is threatening Italy with an investigation of their treatment of economic migrants. Salvini has told the UN where to go and to go and investigate countries that are really worth investigating.

Libra can also be about relationships that are fairly balanced and with Libra being an air sign, it is about compatibility in different areas of your life being important. Air signs generally get on best and are more compatible with other air signs, due to air signs having strong communication skills.

They like communication and being able to communicate together in a way that is beneficial to the connection together. So for some this will be a make or break time, due to it coming on the "Day of Breakthrough" in London. I like breakthroughs I view them as positive in my life, although it can be intense. "You'll never find another love like mine", didn't we sing that song.

Once I left London in the 80s there was no going back to live in London, due to what the politicians have allowed to happen to it. Sad now to see the stats that Londoners are now a minority in their own capital city. Where is the balance and justice in that? People driven away from their homes, families and historical heritage by the invasion of economic migrants. The UK is now overpopulated and British people live in the smallest properties in Europe.

After the equinox we have the full moon in Aries the Ram on the 24th of September, and that is the "Day of Wanderer" in numerics. Gerard Batten the UKIP leader is an Aries and he has certainly had a great year in the leadership seat this year. He certainly knows how to ram the truth home. I'm sure that UKIP will have a great conference this month, and Sargon, Paul Joseph Watson and Count Dankula are attending.

David Kurten at the London assembly, usually gives a good speech, great guy!


After that on the 27th of September, Tommy is back in court at the Old Bailey and you might like to ask yourselves why is a civil case being held as a "criminal trial"? Where is the justice in that?

Pam Gregory shares her view of the planetary configurations at this time and Pam mentions that there are major anti-Brexit marches being organised in London, of course only the lefties stand against democracy and the democratic vote of the people to leave the EU and it's power and control over our laws and people.

I think we require some Air Supply for this Libra equinox and some more paintings. 

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