
Monday 3 September 2018

Italian Health Study - Life-Saving Shield

The British Journal of Nutrition have published the results of a scientific study carried out by scientists in Italy. The Daily Express shared with us that they looked at the country's traditional diet and mortality in 5,000 over-65s.

It is written that the study clearly indicates that a Mediterranean-style diet is an "authentic life-saving shield".

However, what that research doesn't tell you is that it is not just about what people eat, because a majority of Italian farmers grow food in an organic way, they always have. Hence, it is also about how the food is grown and the intention whilst growing it. Organic farmers do it for the love of it.

A majority of Italians didn't take on the chemicals when they were introduced into farming, the Italians shared with yours truly that the Italians had put the health of their people above profit, and quality above yields.

How do I know this, I was in contact with a lovely Italian woman that was working at the UN agricultural division in Italy. I also stayed with an Italian family on their 65 acre farm at their request. When you stay on the Italian farms, the food is what I call farm-to-plate, the food is as fresh as can be.

Love to Italy and my Italian family, the love is so deep,
beyond time and space. 

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