
Tuesday 18 September 2018


This month is the anniversary of arriving in a different location on-line, I looked at the date recently and it was the 26th of September, 2017. Hence September is a special month, it's also a special month because it is the same month that the second mission to Israel happened. I was sent to Israel for Rosh Hashanah for the 999 celebration of the divine child in 2007.

News today is that there are 14 million people and children in the UK that are living below the poverty line. Do you realise that is more than the whole population of Greece? Do you realise that's double the population of Israel? 

In 2007, I warned the politicians about the pending cultural genocide of our Isles. The poverty stats today show us that they took no notice of the commandment to put a stop to the economic immigration immediately. To close the borders instantly, and to bring our troops home! 

Over 4,000 properties owned by the people are being sold off each year by the councils, what is happening to ancient locations is heartbreaking. The destruction of towns and cities before our very eyes, all because they refused to listen and do the will of the LORD. 

Stubborn politicians that think they know better than the LORD does, stubborn politicians that refuse to hear the cries of the hearts of the people. Our people cry yet they do not listen to their cries and the reason for it. 

Devastation stands before them, yet who stands against it's destruction? Children being stabbed, week after week, month after month, yet the politicians sit in their comfortable homes doing nothing to stop it.

Do you remember when the badgers ripped up their cricket pitch, nature giving the cricketeers a message, David our eco-team leader and I did laugh about the badgers. When he used to appear before me on a soul level he always came dressed as a monk. 


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