
Sunday 23 September 2018


Libra Autumn Equinox, 23rd of September - day of breakthrough!

It's still raining and windy in the UK today, so no gardening for yours truly today.


America is busy with the mid-term elections and Steve K. Bannon's documentary film is circulating fast, Steve and his team at Victory films have made an emotive film to energise the people into action.    Those honey badgers don't let go, they just keep on it, I can see a badger in this September painting, I think Andrew Breitbart would be pleased with Steve and his output.

Certainly people that love America, love Trump and those that love Trump, love America, so keep on pouring out the love upon your countrymen, women and children, for this is the day of breakthrough and people will listen. I listened carefully and watched the documentary, and the analogy at the end of the film was brilliant from the former naval officer.

I had full confidence in Bannon from the start and my confidence in the film maker was confirmed. Do you remember the film maker dream, and the film maker eclipse, and the most recent Lambanon eclipse, it's been an awesome timeline.

Jesus was so right when he said, "We're moving into awesomeness", so much has happened since then. What an extraordinary journey that we have shared! Bible prophecy says that nothing has ever happened like this before, and nor will it ever happen again.

In the UK, there has been a film of Lord Pearson that was shown at the UKIP conference, in it, he supports Tommy Robinson and the consideration of his membership of UKIP. He recommends that UKIP accept Tommy with open arms. Lord Pearson, such an honorable man, with a heart of integrity, UKIP are blessed to have him on their team and we are blessed that he has defended Tommy!


UKIP leader, Gerard Batten gave an eleven minute interview to Sky News while at the conference, and he ripped into the broadcaster due to her continued verbal attacks upon him. Gerard Batten is standing his ground, and will not be moved from it, the steadfast Aries is digging his heels in. He is a Batten after all, a batten, a rod that strikes hard when he does strike and it's full moon in Aries tomorrow, 24th of September. Huge respect for Gerard Batten, our BT man.

A day for a breakthrough, I like breakthrough's, so what will your breakthrough be today on this autumn Sunday. Mine is very much on the home front, emails to attend to. Housework, and more exercise for my calf muscles. 

I always loved Sundays, a special day of the week, Sundays such a lovely peaceful energy. Sunday roast dinners, roast chicken, roast potatoes and veg, one of the best things about England, our food and our roast dinners. Sage and thyme stuffing, yorkshire puddings, roast beef, lovely. Entertaining, dinner parties, we had such a lovely time my son and I. Hopefully, that double Aquarian will make a breakthrough today, as I was thinking of him this morning when I woke up. 

Of course we have great singers, musicians and DJ's too, so have a song for today. I sincerely hope that everyone finds their breakthrough. Sometimes things have to be rearranged, sometimes space has to be cleared, it's a time of feeling brand new. Was Russell Brand surprised by the Dalai Lama, "Europe is for the Europeans", he's our Buddhist man, and his Bodhisattva likes to ride. 

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