
Monday 27 August 2018


A lovely young magpie came to visit yesterday, it came for some food. Not surprising then that the news today is that the prices for vegetables will soar within 18 months due to the weather experienced in the UK this year as reported by the Daily Express.

I think if Maggie Thatcher chose a bird to be it would be a Magpie as it's keynote is the proper use of intelligence. Remember what the businesswoman said to the EU, "No, no, no!".

In mythology if a magpie comes and sits upon a roof it means the house will never come down, in this instance the magpie was looking from on top of the wall above the sage and sunflowers.

Magpies build a strong home with a roof upon it. Did you know that 90% of all new householders in the UK, in the last ten years were born abroad? 28% of all new borns were born to mother's born abroad.

That is an invasion of the UK. Maggie warned our people decades in advance when she said that the EU plan was to make the "poor, poorer". Maggie magpie had it all sussed, that's why she tried to help the poor with home ownership. However, what did the ministers do with the money taken out of social housing. I see massive house building go on - so where is the new social housing, and where is the increase in allotments to go with the house building for our own people.

In Italy the Italians are sleeping in cars while economic migrants are put up in hotels on Sardinia! I nearly moved to Italy at one point. I asked the Italian elders in Abruzzo if they would like me to come and live in their location of hot springs and with big smiles on their faces they said,"yes please".

The Italians love the English. I also looked for some land in Spain, just couldn't find the right place where the energy felt right, that I could afford.

Maybe the Italians would have found me somewhere nice to live if I'd asked them too. It was a very quiet place in Italy,  it was an ideal location for a healing centre. I was particularly attracted to the hot springs in that location and it had the best of both worlds, the mountains and a short drive to the beach. It was also high enough up above sea level, and that is a very important consideration in these last days of the end times.

The last time I was in Abruzzo in 2004, you could buy a three bedroomed house for £40,000! I was looking for a property with some agricultural land at the time, the properties with some land in my price range tended to require a lot of building work to be done, and that would've been too costly for a single woman to participate in!

People are fleeing Greater London and the rural areas and the infrastructure can't cope with it in the UK. Ancient locations in the UK were not built for mass immigration and an invasion of people on such a large scale.

How can the poor overcome rising food costs due to the climate changing, grow your own food, at the very least some of it! At this time of year all of my salad comes out of the garden. I think the Magpie liked what it could see growing, and it includes goji's, cucumbers and tomatoes.

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