
Friday 3 August 2018


American television reporter Tucker Carlson interviewed Tommy Robinson dated the 3rd of August 2018!

In the interview he speaks about the "mental torture" during the interview Tommy shares that his  medical records prove that he suffers from PTSD due to previous imprisonment and what happened to him!

So they imprisoned him again after being arrested for "Breach of the Peace" and he had to be kept in solitary confinement for his own protection: Of course CPS knew that they couldn't prove the police allegation of "Breach of the Peace" so they then charged him with "Contempt of Court" without proving how that happened!

The appeal judge then threw that out of court as a fair and just trial had not been given to this young man and the British justice system is meant to have a foundation in fairness and integrity! Fairness for all not just Muslims and our indigenous people have suffered so much in recent decades due to the PC Brigade - two decades ago I referred to the "PC Brigade" to those that are promoting "political correctness": There has to be fairness for all - the same law for all not just the "PC Brigade":


He has shed between 40-42lbs in weight because all he had to eat was a tin of tuna fish and fruit each day: He was held in a cell during this heatwave and couldn't have his window open due to what the Muslims were doing to him while in prison: This is now a major human rights issue as he continually asked to be given more than £12 a week to feed himself!

The home office must be held to account for impacting upon the health of this man - not only was he denied access to appropriate nutrition while in the care of the home office - he was also "mentally tortured" while inside the prison system! They even left his prison door open three times leaving him vulnerable to those that wished to end his life:

People that suffer from PTSD have to receive specific nutrition to help them and their bodies! This man's health issues have to be taken into account and I sincerely hope that Lord Pearson is preparing his legal response to this case:

Former London Breitbart editor - Raheem Kassam interview defending Tommy Robinson

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