
Monday 6 August 2018


As we know there are a lot of planets retrograde at this time and tonights news is that the tech giants from Silicone Valley have teamed up to remove Alex Jones from Social Media:

Personally I'm not a fan of Alex Jones and his rants:  However - I honour his human right to speak and voice his views:

Alex Christoforou and Peter Lavelle discuss this situation:

The Duran commentary and discussion - I like The Duran for it's rationality and reason!

So have those tech giants had a meeting in the Cayman Islands or have they been with Richard Branson on Necker Island: It was on the front page today that Branson has received £5BN in NHS contracts in the last five years and as we now Branson is friends with Obama! 

You might wonder why I mention the Cayman Islands - Jesus named the most recent painting CAYMAN! 

Alex Jones is gonna have to swim and find the treasure within because the British establishment are very concerned about the latest developments with Paul Joseph Watson and Sargon of Akkad being involved in the New Nation leadership team at UKIP and as we know PJW has done a lot of reporting with Alex Jones! 

This is a much broader issue than just "Alex Jones" as I agree with Sargon that there is a new industry emerging around politics - a new movement that the tech giants cannot control! In fact it is far bigger than social media due to the sheer numbers of people that are on the streets now defending their countries and cultures legally - scientifically and peacefully: It is emotive social evolution - energising people to innovate change - for we the people for the people! 

Perhaps Alex Jones should get off his chair and hold some rallies like Trump does - there are options and numerous ways to reach the people! He could even start his own newspaper!


After I posted this I didn't have any internet for two hours! 

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