
Saturday 18 August 2018

MERCURY DIRECT 18th August 2018

Good to hear from Robert Wilkinson that mercury goes direct in motion today on the 18th of August that is also the "Day of Endurance":

Robert shares that it's speeding up for the next ten weeks  - so it's a good time for my passport paperwork to be sent off for a new passport and dealing with any other paperwork and necessary communications: Also a better time to resolve technology issues too!

He also shares about an "evening lawn party" and in England it is green pastures after all of the rain that we've had: Weathermen are warning of a weekend storm so I've prepared another temporary greenhouse just in case it is required to protect the fruit that is growing:

After that we are being told that there will be another heatwave next week - although the British weathermen said that last week too!

It's great that Robert mentions the keyword is "Companionship" and I can definitely feel that energy strongly: He wrote that it "Looks like the power of spiritual ancestry is pervading all of our lives throughout 2018"

That also links into the dreams that I have received this month:

First the dream of the British rock musician Phil Collins and we were discussing climate change:

Then the next dream was a faith dream with men that I have known protecting yours truly!

Companions on the journey shared together in many life times!

Today I met a lovely English elder in his 80s and we were chatting about growing food - he shared that he and his wife lived off of the food that they grew in their previous garden all year round:

He was fit - so I asked him if he and his wife had considered an allotment and that's when he shared that he was 80 - he was amazing for his age - really amazing: The fresh air and food growing had obviously done him the power of good! The light was shining in his eyes!

He took great pleasure in showing me where I could pick some berries in the park and they look like blueberries: I shared with him a remedy for the hands that I have found to be successful!

He shared that you can make "Sloe Gin" with the berries - so I brought home a pocketful of berries and took a cutting from the huge bush that is now in coco soil: He was such a happy soul so I invited him and his wife to come and visit and I offered them a goji cutting: It's wonderful to share what you've grown with those that appreciate it:

The celery is at least two feet high now so I will have to start sharing that and eating it! The beetroot appears to have stopped growing and the melon seedlings have slowed down since we've had less sunshine:

The cucumbers and tomatoes are still producing and all the herbs look fabulous too! I have so many sweet pepper plants and chili's - too many to count! It's all so positive when you are growing your own food - I enjoy it very much indeed! There is lots more in the garden too much for little me to eat on my own - big smiles!

I've made new green and cucumber chutney from the first harvest - it's lovely - I've even made coconut ice cream for the very first time in my life:

Always something new in this my one year of a new nine year cycle! New paintings - new recipes - new beginnings with new companions! Different nutrients for different purposes - still eating the cumin seeds and red capsicum - great for health!

I have a new shower in this my one year and soon to have a new passport too - for sure I will have the new passport within the next ten weeks and that is a tremendous sense of freedom to travel with the return of my life:

Only spiritual Christians comprehend that and what it means when Jesus helps you to regain your life - after laying it down to help others - the time comes when it is time for your own life to return!

My life is in sync with the synergy of the planetary configurations of my birth chart and the biblical map of it's life and prophecies!

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