
Friday 24 August 2018

Immigration Impacts On Sexual Health

"Donovanosis" originates from tropical and subtropical countries such as southeast India, Guyana and New Guinea and the first cases of it have been found in the UK.

How dangerous is it? It is a "flesh-eating STI" and that is an extremely serious development for the people of our European countries.

Recent immigration figures also show that immigration in the UK is still on-going with most being economic migrants from outside of the EU.

EU nationals have been going home since the referendum. The British government would like to reduce immigration to around 100,000 per year although the people would like that reduced even further.

Apparently, 82% of our population increase in the UK since 2000 has been due to immigration. The UK is overpopulated and I was warning about the hazards to sexual health years ago. The testimony of warning was given in plenty of time for the politicians to reverse their immigration plans.

The UN plan on bringing in another 100M economic migrants to the west on the climate change excuse. The fact of the matter is that climate change is impacting on every country - it's inevitable in this timeline. People have to adapt to climate change, people have to be the change not invade the west!

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