
Tuesday 7 August 2018




I can never forget what my parents suffered due to the socialists that dad had defended during his life - the persecution of socialists by socialists! There is an interesting parable called the "Parable of the Unjust Judges" it is sometimes also called the "Parable of the Persistent Widow":

My mother was certainly persistent ! We have seen the "unjust judges" in action in the Tommy Robinson case and how the state has continually persecuted him - enough Britain - the people are coming for you!

The rich hearts have arrived and we will defend our people as bible prophecy says nothing like this has ever happened before - nor will it ever happen again! It is an uprising of the people throughout Europe and many other countries: There is nothing that the tech giants can do to silence the majority - the point of the sword of truth was to prick the heart of conscience and emotive social evolution certainly arrived after decades of sharing truth with the people on-line!

The little girl that spoke in school about the "Match Girls" became a woman then a mother and business woman - after that a mystical healer and teacher of healing therapies:

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