
Monday 20 August 2018


I had another dream this morning and some people that I knew in the dream were very concerned - whilst in the dream I was aware that it was a recurring dream then at the conclusion of the dream I received this message:

"Five miles from the Basilica"

"The Latin word basilica is derived from a Greek word basilike - feminine of basilikos "royal" from basileus "king":

In English Basilica is an interesting word as it includes the word BASIL the herb and SILICA the mineral both are important for the health of a person! I like growing basil and I have three different types of basil growing inside and outdoors - Greek Basil - Sweet Basil and Red Basil! I found in growing the herbs that the Greek Basil rooted the fastest in water!

I put some cuttings in water yesterday and the Greek Basil and Red Basil has rooted overnight - how quick is that!

Healthy nutrients of Basil

I grow cucumbers too and it has my name in it - how funny is that!

Information on the mineral Silica for health from Victoria Health:

This is the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi and I enjoyed visiting it in 2003 - St Francis at one with nature - the environment and it's inhabitants! You can appreciate why Italy is so ecological with a saint like St Francis! Two journey's to Assisi and I enjoyed both visits very much - we had a great host in Italy and the heart of Italy has beautiful countryside!

In Athens - Greece -  they have rebuilt an ancient Basilica with it's long walkways 
A basilica is a prestigious building and it can have 
a spiritual or historical significance:

In ancient Rome they were courts of justice and for public assemblies so it can apply to any large building of significance!

The message included the numeric of Five and in Greek gematria the E has the numeric of FIVE and this year there have been five eclipses!

The number on my door begins with five and the main part of my phone number begins with five! The numeric of five vibrates to Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius that is my ascendent sign of the traveller:  Expansion of the senses and five is a masculine number!


  1. Church of Nutrition in Nazareth is also known as St Joseph's and it is close to the basilica!

  2. I've found the basilica.
