
Wednesday 15 August 2018


I had a dream of a former boss from the 70s and the dream indicates a soul connection as he had given his oath in church at the wedding ceremony to protect me and the faith in this life time!

In the dream he had followed this woman through life for my safety and protection:

There were other men in the dream too! Some kept their distance on purpose due to what he said to them and some came close as they knew who I was and what it meant!

It was explained that it was about faith and defending the faith - in defending the faith they are defending the love: The former boss and his men did their utmost to protect her - to keep her in a safe location and warn her when necessary!

In dream interpretation if you experience a spiritual feeling in relation to faith it indicates  contentment and peace of mind!

The bride a symbol of the Christian men - when they saw the bride their hearts melted - and they were born ready to defend her and the power of her love:

They willingly took the oath to defend her as they knew in their hearts who spoke the truth in integrity - those that had met her - and known her held this woman in their hearts:

The soul group were born ready for when the bride arrived - many lives had been shared - many past lives! These men knew how to recognise her - they knew it in their hearts and souls - they knew in the 70s when they saw the light of the power of love in her eyes! While working at the gateway they even noticed and complimented upon her little bronzed feet!

Eclipse of Hearts 

Jesus - the Son of God - is hot for this song and message of love:

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