
Thursday 23 August 2018

Earth Worm Dreams

I've seen an earth worm twice in dream state this week. In dream interpretation if "the worms are bait it predicts a sudden material gain. Otherwise they can signify news of an illness, unless you killed them, in which case the dream is forecast of successful efforts".

If I find an earth worm in the garden I put it in the compost bin so that it can do it's job - earth worms are very useful. They are often seen after a night of rain. I have two in my compost bin so far, England is getting a lot of rain at this time. When you have worms in your compost bin make sure it has some water as the earthworms require water too!


St Jerome explained that in biblical times when a person wasn't being very nice to another person - they would call that a person a 'worm". St Jerome came very close to yours truly after the timeline of Rev 12 had begun.

St Jerome made it very clear he didn't like the people that were standing against the wondrous woman from heaven. In that timeline he explained many things and due to his presence in my life - I began to read his letters and I found them interesting.

Prophet Isaiah chapter 41:14 refers to Jacob as a worm. "Do not be afraid you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you, "declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."

I spread the paint last night for the 26th of August and I felt wheat with this painting.

So what is happening with agriculture? Christian the Ice Age Farmer is excellent at keeping us up to date on what is happening with agriculture. Remembering that worms require water to live as does all agriculture, the water for life. Christian shares that the globalists are trying to enforce GM upon the people with the excuse of combating climate change!

The globalists are blaming Trump for everything even climate change - where is their moral compass and integrity. Even the Obama's have been attacking the President of America in South Africa and in Scotland - the Obama's and their "Project Fear" the same Obama that gave a speech on the "Power of Fear" in South Africa.

I can tell you this that the South Africans that are awake don't like Obama! And Europeans have had enough of the invasion of our countries - enough!

Christian shares with us that agriculture is in serious trouble around the world. When Australia has so much water surrounding it why aren't they utilising that water for their animals and crops?

Do everything that you can help the soil - do everything you can to provide food security for your families and yourselves. Is the "worm" in the dreams "bait" or is the "worm" calling out for help - decide now what it means to you and your environment!

Worms don't like glyphosate and it also has a detrimental impact on the soil. I think the worm is bringing our attention to it due to it's importance to the quality of the soil and it's nutrients!

We've known for over a 100 years that soil doesn't have the same amount of nutrients that it had naturally prior to that. Over farming hasn't helped - even the soil should be given time to recuperate and re-nourish itself.

Isle of Wight 2018 Music Festival is on - lovely song guys! David would certainly be concerned about what is happening with agriculture in Europe especially now that German Bayer has bought the American Monsanto. The spiritual in northern European countries have been campaigning against GM for decades.

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