
Thursday 30 August 2018

Divorcee Dream

I had a dream about a man that I married in my 20's last night and the dream was about his love life and his multiple wives, 40 years later he manages to appear in some of my dreams. I'm seriously not interested in what he is doing or who he is with. A neighbour was also in the dream and I shared with her that he had his chance and blew it.

In dream interpretation if a husband is in it, it can indicate a "serious lover's quarrel" and or "broken relationship". If the dream included a divorced person it can mean that your "affections are probably misplaced". Everyone in the dream were people that had been divorced, including the neighbour.

If you dream of a partner and there is any "dissatisfaction" with the circumstances in the dream it can also signify shifting tides. So many divorces if only people got married for the right reasons, and that was in the discussion with the neighbour his reasons for making the choices that he did. In the dream I'd moved on, although he was going back and forth between women.

What did Jesus say to the disciples when he was questioned on divorce, he said, that "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning". Matthew 19:8

The Isaiah Prophecy 

" The LORD will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit - a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God". Isaiah 54:6 

The question is does the soul of the man that divorced you know on a soul level if a different heart has called you in, and that is why they appear in your dreams so many years later, I think it is highly possible.

However, the man in the dream was a sun sign Pisces and we've just had a full moon in Pisces. Pisces the fishes and in the EU the French -v- English fisherman are clashing in the fishing waters and we are in the process of divorcing the EU, so I can see the connection with the shifting tides!

Sargon said, "the French started it!".

Hungary and Italy are also standing up to the EU, and Macron says that he is their opponent.

So what about the date of this dream, the 30th of August, is the "Day of Rock".

The new moon is on the 9th of September and it is in earthy Virgo, and that's the day of "Demand".

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