
Thursday 16 August 2018


Back on the inversion table - I have to say that it is the most amazing piece of equipment!

I have it in it's own location now in the healing room so it's much easier to use! Decompressing the back eliminates the sciatica that I began to experience a few years ago: After six weeks of doing inversion every day - a few minutes - a few times a day and the sciatica stopped:

It's easy to stop when you feel better - what's important is to keep on going with it - otherwise the sciatica returns again: This is a picture of the inversion table that I have:

I tend to do partial inversion and it's also great for moving oxygen to the head too and that's very important after the age of 40: I like the pull on the stomach muscles too - you can really feel it working your body - it's the easiest exercise - it's so gentle for the body!

It's pouring with rain today in the UK - so it's a good day to do some inversion therapy as my back doesn't like the damp weather: Another reason why a lot of English people spent their winters abroad in hotter climates like my mother did too! It was mainly for health reasons that she spent her winters in Spain:

Be tender with your bodies and your bodies will be tender with you: As Jesus so rightly said the LORD asked for MERCY not sacrifice: Prophet Isaiah was correct! This audio was recorded in Athens - Peter Gabriel singing Mercy Street!

This photograph was taken at Athens airport! It's so amazing - I had to bring my flight forward a day as I was experiencing so much pain and just had to come home quickly - yet look at the incredible energy in the photograph: It's such a beautiful sight! I'd just walked into the airport and saw the ancient statue of the little girl - I just had to take a photograph of it 

Then when the photograph was developed the energy with me is seen on the photograph - the golden Christ energy - awesomeness! 

Can you believe it - Tommy and his family are being harassed in Tenerife whilst on holiday - after everything he has been through - do the journalists from the MSM have any mercy in their hearts! 

The media harassed Diana too wherever she went and was sent - I still remember the day I saw her splashed all over the newspapers with Dodi on the boat in the Greek Islands: I will never forget the feeling that I had that day - I knew that Diana was in grave danger!

1 comment:

  1. This blog is really great. The information here will surely be of some help to me. Thanks!. zero gravity inversion chair
