
Thursday 23 August 2018


A recent message - "Five Miles From The Basilica" following a dream received of people being concerned - a recurring dream.

There are Basilica's in many different countries. However in northern Israel there is a basilica close to St Joseph's in Nazareth that is also called the "Church of the Nutrition" understandable when you remember that the land was all agricultural land where the family of Jesus lived.

It was Jesse's land - Jesse owned agricultural land from Mount Carmel to the Galilee and the bible records that King David did some of his courting in that location.

What's interesting is that the biblical and DSS scholar Geza Vermes shared that the Jewish sages didn't start talking about the coming of the Son of Joseph until 135AD otherwise referred to as the mysterious character "Messiah Ben Joseph".

I've also received two dreams this week of a "Worm" and agricultural land requires it's natural earth worms in the eco-system - they also require water. So if you put your earth worms in your compost bin, make sure that you give the compost bin enough water so that the earth worms can live and do their job naturally.

I ate fresh strawberries for breakfast straight from the plant, last night I ate fresh tomatoes grown from seed in my Greek salad.

Today, I picked some more borlotti beans and they go great with the king of herbs - the basil.

Yesterday, I also took the first red chilli from the plant that had also grown from seed.

The fresh cucumbers are great for silica so I shall have some lovely homegrown cucumber today with the fresh basil that is growing in abundance. The sunflowers are also opening their flowers and they really are lovely.

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