
Friday 10 August 2018

11th August Solar Eclipse

The climate definitely changed yesterday and I am feeling these solar eclipse energies stronger now:

It's often the case that when we take major strides forward we can see what the universe is ready to give in return and this eclipse is about receiving on the "day of validation":

I like this song for this LAMBANON solar eclipse of receiving - it's a song from Mark Knopfler - True Love Will Never Fade!

For yours truly so far there was the dream of the singer and musician Phil Collins and I discussing climate change and the weather definitely changed with all of the rain that we've had!

Phil Collins Dream -Climate Change

The incoming energies inspired a new photograph for a renewal of a passport: The photograph that validates who you are: It's amazing how our faces show what our body would like us to see: a vast improvement - of course the sunshine this year helped so much - my body and olive skin was made to be in the sunshine:

A drill should be arriving any day for the interiors of home - continuing with improvements - an eclipse of receiving improvements in more ways than one! The more improvements there are the better I feel in this new cycle of time of new beginnings: I hope that you all have a great solar eclipse and receive what you are hoping for - always walk in love - magnanimous love that is liberating!

"Love the LORD all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those that are true to him - but the proud he pays back in full" Psalm 31:23

How is the climate for you in your location - are you ready and prepared for all eventualities: 

Agriculture has to change - new views of growing food - new ways of watering the land to overcome droughts! More people to grow their own food - more people to take responsibility to become self-sustainable - it's nearly harvest time! 


I have put this painting on my seed bed in the silver cloud healing room as it matches the colours! I shall spread the paint today for the incoming eclipse energies and upload:

Today's eclipse painting reminds me of a sunflower  with all the lovely nutritious seeds in it ! The last time that I saw a field of sunflowers - I was in Italy being driven to Assisi with our group of RM's!


10th August 2018


A different picture of it!

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