
Wednesday 11 July 2018


The real American President as arrived now. He ripped into NATO Secretary General. Trump is asking why Germany is giving billions to Russia and then America is asked to defend Germany  against Russia.

It doesn't make sense does it NATO!

Trump wipes the floor with them. America and the UK pay the highest amount of money into NATO.

Germany and the rest of the NATO countries are not paying their fair share. America have had enough of paying the highest amount for NATO and Donald is saying enough, no more, not a ten year plan, now, immediately change it, start paying for your protection. Why does Germany require protection from Russia anyway, when Germany is trading partners with Russia.

The NATO Secretary General tries to flatter Donald in response, but Donald doesn't soften his approach, he just keeps on repeating it again. He should've said "Pay up now, and don't you dare try to flatter the President of America". The man that pays the most can shout the loudest.

I think that Donald is tightening his belt, because for him to decrease America's spending on other countries defence it means the other countries have got to step up to pay for their own.

A businessman like Trump can justify the cost of the improvement of military equipment for defence purposes, he can't justify paying for more than other NATO countries on the back of the American tax payer. It's basic common sense that Trump would also prefer to have troops when and where they are most required and clearly Germany is under no threat from Russia.

In the meantime, the E.U. countries led by Germany and France are talking about creating an EU army with the same excuse of Russia and I don't think that the people in European countries are going to be willing to pay for the EU's federal state.

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