
Tuesday 3 July 2018


Yesterday there was the news from Raheem Kassam on his Twitter that the judge presiding over Tommy's appeal case had spoken on BBC radio about "contempt of court" cases and referenced Tommy. As such, the judge did what Tommy has been "accused" of and sentenced for.

I think the news about this radio interview getting out has had an impact on the postponement. Judge Brian Leveson should resign and we should demand his resignation, the godly will not put up with such behaviour from the bench. Judges are not above the law of the land, although, clearly they think they are as this radio presentation proves.

The fact of the matter is that the police told Tommy he could film, and where he could and could not walk. What was court property and what was not. So what happened that day is known as an "unlawful arrest", due to the fact the police told him that he could film outside of the court, and they then arrested him on "breach of the peace", when no breach of the peace had taken place. After that they changed the charge.

Are the police force meant to tell the truth, I think they are, so how many of them will be in court.

Otherwise what foundation does justice have, if not integrity, truth and fairness. There was nothing fair, just or merciful about what has happened to Tommy and his family.

The latest news from Ezra at Rebel Media is that the government's lawyers have cancelled the case on the 10th of July, with the excuse that "they're not ready". Ezra says that Tommy's wife called him to tell him. So now we have to wait until they decide that they are ready before the case can come to court for appeal.

I think the case should be taken to the new supreme court as the government lawyers are seriously not up for the job are they and nor is Leveson.  Currently, the UK justice system is being brought into "disrepute" again by judges and lawyers, and the world is watching every move the British government make.

Keep on sending your love everyone to Tommy and his family. Keep the love in your hearts. There will be a third court date given. 


  1. While writing about the case on-line, I received this message.


  2. Case delayed to the 24th, now it's brought forward to the 18th.
