
Friday 6 July 2018


The dream that I had at dawn was of Kevin Costner.

Then late afternoon while sunbathing, I had another dream.

In the first part of the dream a local businessman arrived, and I asked him if he would like some of the magazines that had been put through my door and he said, yes. I then offered him a drink a fanta or a glass of wine, he chose to have a fanta that is like a tango.

Loads of my flowers and food growing plants were on a large table, like a stall, and a neighbour had covered everything over with a white sheet, so I uncovered it.

My son was also in the dream, but he was adult size with his child's face and had a different haircut that also made him look younger. He was smiling and happy.

In the dream I was sitting in the sunshine, when the people came and at times,  it was difficult to see them due to the sun being in my eyes. It didn't matter what I did, I couldn't get the sun out of my eyes.

Then the dream changed, and I saw that there were people from London that I recognised in the neighbour's home. So I went over to say hello and have a chat. Inside his home they were having a party and members of my extended family were at the welcoming party. Clearly, the new neighbour and I were related in some way.

One of the women had long blonde curly hair, she commented about my presence, and was being "unpleasant", when there was no requirement to do so. So I went after her.

Then the people said "look this is a party", trying to smooth things over. After that I walked through the young man's home and it was much larger than it is in real life. He'd done a brilliant job of decorating it. It was just one long large room painted all white, and it had a large canopy over a section of the room,  a photographic canopy. Then the dream ended.

The connection between the two dreams today is that they both have a connection with the media and filming that includes different generations. That which was growing had been covered over by a younger person, and then uncovered by yours truly.

An orange soft drink had been chosen as the drink, by the businessman, and the government have introduced a stealth tax on drinks that include sugar. The sun was very prominent in the dream and there is a partial solar eclipse on the 13th of July, followed by a rally in London for Tommy Robinson the next day on the 14th.

The 13th of July, is also the "Day of Opportunity".

In dream interpretation bright clear sunlight forecasts success in all that concerns you. Fresh brightly coloured flowers featured in a dream indicate great personal happiness. The sheet in the dream was white cotton, and the linen is biblical. A dream that includes family members, indicates an upswing in your interests. True friends in a dream indicate good social times ahead with good companions.

Interesting that it was a youngster in his 20's, that brought the white linen in the dream, and white linen is mentioned in Rev 19. "For the wedding of the lamb has come, his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean was given to her to wear".

It is written biblically that white linen is symbolic of the righteous deeds of God's holy people and the young man had put the linen on the food and flowers growing, so that was a significant aspect of the dream. As we know food and flowers also helps the eco-system of the planet. It's wonderful when people feel inspired to grow their own, returning home to the natural. Inspire others to grow their own food, let them feel the sense of their achievement.


"He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in" Isaiah 40:22

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