
Monday 23 July 2018

OBAMA "Power of Fear"

Obama was talking about the "Power of Fear" to South Africans recently, that was hard to swallow when you bear in mind that the week before 238 African Nigerian Christians were murdered by Nigerian Muslims. Then you have what has been going on with the white South African farmers being driven out of the land that they purchased.

Fortunately, Russia has stepped in to help 30 of the farmers, and another 15,000 South African farmers are looking to move to Russia. Russia requires farmers, and the farmers are available to satisfy requirements. 15,000 farmers is a lot of farmers.

Then Obama talks of the "Power of Fear", it's not funny is it when the "Power of Fear", is involved in the Islamic ideology, surely that is where he first came to learn about it, within Islam.

While the Obama's have been travelling and speaking against Donald John Trump, in America big investigations are going on. As we know it was Obama that kicked off the surveillance on Trump, now James Clapper gives his testimony in that respect.

Remember Jesus said, "Don't be afraid". 

It was in 2007 while I was in Israel that I received divine guidance that the next mission was to America. In April 2008, I was sent to America (Micah 4) to forewarn the people about Obama that was prior to his election.

Visions and messages kept on pouring in and all that I received, I shared with the Americans that I was in contact with at that time. It was incredibly intense, and fast flowing.

Yahweh even gave advance warning of Obama's attack on Pakistan prior to him doing it just days after he took up his seat in Washington D.C. At that time, I also forewarned and passed the message on to a Pakistani Muslim doctor prior to it happening. Then they had the audacity to give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 2007, Arabs were on television saying that the next president of the U.S. would be a Muslim. Who is Obama, he's the man in Rev 13 and wisdom was called to do the count on him. He only won one election legally, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Nostradamus also forewarned that a tall black man would come and he would be more "cruel", than those that came before him. What happened in Libya under Obama's command was certainly "cruel", while Hilary Clinton was laughing about what they'd done, people with a heart of conscience weren't laughing at it.

I don't think that Americans will ever forget the Obama reign, remember for some it began with the birth certificate issue. So much information was being shared on-line about Obama, although the American MSM were not covering it, nor were the Liberal alternative media. Although it was great that BREIBART Media investigation team were on to it.

It was in 2010, that Hilary Clinton admitted that America was "losing the information war", what she should have said is; the Liberal Democrats were. Now in 2018, we have the Liberal Democrats leaving that party in droves. In the UK the youth are causing an youth quake, they're joining UKIP and the youth membership is soaring.

Although it wasn't what Obama did that made that shift, it was people that are better than Obama, people with a heart of conscience, people that are patriotic, and have always been patriotic. people that have defended freedom of speech in the UK for decades.

When I first went on to the internet when we turned into the new millennium, I found myself defending people's freedom of speech, including my own. Defending our human rights in the UK and the human rights of anyone that tried to share and give to help others.

What I can say about Trump is that he takes note of people that are being taken "Political Prisoners" in the west. We praise President Trump and his supporters making interventions in defence of Tommy Robinson. For we will not be silenced, every time they try to silence someone that speaks the truth, one will become a thousand.

Obama and Clinton made it personal, celebrity politics, this is how the UK is responding to those that supported Obama and Clinton with their personal vendetta's against their own people. They tried to stop Tommy entering America, so he went on someone else's passport and got in. He admits that wasn't a very bright idea as he went to prison for it.

1 comment:

  1. Trump is looking at removing security clearances for people from the Obama-era.
