
Sunday 1 July 2018


Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered in their own country by Muslims.

Last weekend 238 Nigerian Christians were murdered in a number of attacks, the Nigerian Christians called it "ethnic cleansing", some hold posters saying the "Jihad will not work".

As we know wherever Islam goes there is "bloodshed, slaughter and carnage", it's a terrible thing when Africans are standing against Africans in their own land, dividing it's people because of Islam.

The Nigerian Christians also claim that it is about a land grab too, as orthodox Muslims think everything belongs to them and in the Islamic war everything is war booty including women and children.  Islam in African countries has proven time and time again, that Islam is not based upon the principle of peace, Islam has always been a theology of "slavery, war mongering and death".

Whereas Christianity has a foundation in healing to attain peacefulness, a spirituality that brings to life the miracles of life. There is such a big difference between the two different realities.

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