
Monday 2 July 2018


Neil Hamilton, leader of UKIP in Wales, defends the new UKIP member supergroup, Neil calls our guys "social media rock stars".

Count Dankula, Sargon of Akkad, our gorgeous Milo Yiannopoulos and Paul Joseph Watson have all joined UKIP, and the MSM don't like it because they all have such a large following. In media jargon that is known has circulation, a 2 million readership is certainly competition for the MSM.

Although I do think there is some overlap of people listening to more than one of them and they do have a large circulation in America with Americans. That really took off like a rocket when people were campaigning for Trump to become elected.

What a team Trump had with all of us on his side, in fact, the Trump team have said they couldn't have done it without our Milo's help. Steve Bannon definitely knew what he was doing when he hired Milo for Breitbart.  I used to enjoy his university campus shows.

Really funny Neil, best wishes to Wales, you did great in the referendum.

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