
Wednesday 25 July 2018


In a recent dream of Lady Diana she asked me to take a trip with her and we were on a boat in Greece.

The last time that I was in Greece, Greek businessmen shared that the Arabs and Chinese were bidding for ports and I saw huge Chinese containers arriving at the main port. Some didn't realise that it wasn't only Greece that was being invaded by economic migrants, after I shared that it was happening all over Europe. I realised whilst in Athens, that some Greeks are very insular.

In the recent fire that has decimated the holiday resort of Mati (Mati means "Eye"), it also has a port that takes people to some of the Greek Islands.

In December 2017, a 67% stake in the Thessaloniki Port was sold to a German Fund. The German-led joint venture is called the "South Europe Gateway Thessaloniki (SEGT).

Russia offered to help Greece to strengthen their hand in negotiations with the E.U and Alexis turned down the offer of help. Russia could do no more to help Greece, so they made an arrangement with Turkey for a pipeline.

Now Merkle and the E.U. would like to create an E.U. army against Russia, and we can see where Alexis stands. Alexis even turned down help offered by Israel to put out the fires.

Some are saying that a laser weapon caused the fire in Mati, because the cars look the same as what happened in New York on 9/11. Biblically it's called the "Powder Weapon".

Who has a motive to destroy Mati, and Greece, who is trying to get their hands on that land and port. The Greek media are calling it a biblical tragedy. Mati is a resort of the Greeks, visited by the elderly, and children going to summer camps.

Remember it is the E.U. that would like Turkey to be E.U. members, the same Islamic Turkey that has historically warred against Greece. During WW2, Turkey kidnapped some of the Greek children, and those children were never returned to their parents. It was also the Turks -v- Armenia and Greece took in over a million Armenian refugees.

Turkey is one of the reasons that British people voted to leave the E.U and it was Turkey that was doing high fives with Hilary Clinton in 2010 prior to the war against Libya.

After the recent meeting with the E.U. Alexis said he was happy with the financial position that Greece was now in, not requiring anymore bail outs. Greece will be in debt to the E.U. for decades to come, unless the Greeks sue those that took their country into the EU.

Then right after Alexis has his meeting with the E.U. a Greek resort is destroyed with 1,000's of homes. Germany is famous for ceasing assets that's what Germany did during WW2, WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear it's head again.

I don't trust Alexis at all and all the signs are that the fire in Mati was intentional. I appreciate that the people of Greece are in mourning right now. So enough said for now.

Remember this to people like Merkle, people are "collateral damage". Angela Merkle, Obama's friend, the woman that flooded Europe with economic migrants. Apparently the fires in Sweden are also raging and there are a lot of Islamic Turks living in Sweden.

Germany stood with Islam during WW2, and most of it's politicians still stand with Islam.

However, there is a biblical prophecy about the herald that would come at the appointed time to share the revelation. Hab 2 mentions how the oil rich have destroyed towns and cities and everyone in them. The prophecy mentions what Arafat did to southern Lebanon in the mid 70's, it also mentions the rape of our women. The prophecy forewarned Muslims, "the cup from the LORD's right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory". Hab 2:16

My heart and prayers go out for the Greek people at this time, Greece and the islands are always in my heart. It certainly is the sober decade. The Greek people have suffered so much in recent decades it's heartbreaking.

1 comment:

  1. Officials citing information from satellite maps have said that 13 fires broke out at the same time across the region of Attica -- which includes Athens -- on Monday.

    It is not a coincidence is it!
