
Sunday 8 July 2018

London's Oldest Allotment

Really super allotments in London. Northfields Allotments in Ealing, west London.

July tasks in the garden.

I've been pruning today, pruned the tomatoes and cucumber, also removed cucumbers that were fully grown, as they were stopping others from coming on straight. 

Also removed flower heads where necessary so that more flowers can arrive. I have to say that the dianthus is amazing, the small lavender that I bought last year is now huge, and fuschia some have flowered, some are still to flower. Last year's olive tree has been repotted and it looks a lot happier now with a lot more space to grow in. The blueberry bush in it's second year has fruit on it, it looks so healthy, it has really flourished. 

Grape vine is doing better in a different position of shade and sun. Most of the herbs are doing great, borlotti beans are coming along, beetroot and chard doesn't like this hot weather. One of the rainbow chard has bolted, with the dill, spinach and lettuces, so have cut them back, to grow again. Although I do have more lettuces growing. 

Chili from last year is doing great with chili's on it, pleased with that as it was grown from seed. 

Celery, and Sweet peppers are doing great, the zucchini looks like it requires a much bigger container, deep roots those zucchini. This is only my second year of food growing, and when something is a success I repeat it the following year with a larger quantity. I'm also trying different things to see how I get on. I'm so impressed with the goji's absolutely brilliant the way that they have grown so strong, they love full on sun, so they're enjoying this summer. 

I am now trying some kiwi fruit, and am trying to do a lemon tree again from the pips, also have some cumin growing and of course strawberries too. 

Growing food is such a wonderful learning curve, I am enjoying it very much indeed. I have my eye on a miniature apple tree, although I haven't taken the plunge just yet due to the cost of it. I'm still in the phase of experimentation in the garden, although it's wonderful to pick fresh food and herbs whenever you require them. 


I have two sage, a green sage and purple sage, I also have three types of basil. Green, red, and Greek Basil. Oregano is wonderful too. I looked for weeks before I found the perfect oregano. Parsley is still in from last year, and so is the bay leaf. I cut the green sage right back and it's coming through again. I'm really impressed with the tarragon, first year for tarragon in my garden, again, it's very strong. 

Of course there is also thyme in the garden, chives from last year, some mint and the lovely coriander. 

Sunflowers are growing rapidly, and I also have some pumpkin seeds in. 

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