
Sunday 29 July 2018


It's funny how some people are responding to the soaring UKIP membership with Gerard Batten as the leader of it - in this Spectator Magazine article Kippers are even being referred to as a "self-appointed peoples army":

At least two media publications have also referred to the working relationship with Steve Bannon as an "Unholy Alliance" remember it was Steve that hired at least a couple of journalists from London to join BREITBART Media both have since left as did Steve himself:

Yesterday the UKIP Twitter Feed posted this:

"Yesterday after claims that sandwiches would be doomed after Brexit we joked that the next trick from the Remainers was to threaten the plague: We were joking - Today they threaten us with mutant VD"

UKIP are calling the MSM response as "Project Fear" the second - do you remember what the remainers were saying - do you remember all of the threats from David Cameron:

Bannon helping UKIP has definitely got the MSM on the run screaming:

Some British media are definitely in the Twilight Zone:

This comes right after Obama was talking about the "Power of Fear" in South Africa - the thing is that we are not afraid and nothing that Obama did or said could make us be so!

We will get back our fishing waters - we will get back our fish and our country - we will get back our kippers!

The thing is that Steve Bannon is so rational - logical - eloquent: His life experience is expansive - a creative - film maker - writer - businessman and former naval officer: A rare talent with a range of skills that include recognising talent and helping natural talent to manifest it's potential:

A man that is impeccable with the word and speaking it - a man whose loyalty to the cause and Trump is invincible:

An exclusive interview with Christopher Hope at the Daily Telegraph: 

A man that defends freedom of speech and sent a message in support of Tommy Robinson - a man that is clear about his working class roots and were he came from!

Bannon is planning on spending 50% of his time in Europe with his project of a new movement of the people for the people - so it's not just about UKIP - although it is about popularism that our opponents refer to as a "cult": When people start projecting that on to you - we just laugh - as it is theirs to own!

Some people just don't get it - what a British Patriot is - as I wrote the other day I think I knew that I was a patriot when dad took me to feed the birds in Trafalgar Square when I was just four years old:

Prior to that he used put me on his shoulders so that I could watch the Lord Mayor's Show in historic Fleet Street - the Son of Joseph was a patriot and loved our country and people:

As we know we've just had the great total lunar eclipse that has been about decisions and relationship - the next eclipse is on the 11th of August and it's on the "Day of Validation":

Not only that it is about receiving so a great time for UKIP to receive the rewards for all of the hard work: It's also rare to have three eclipses so close together - one straight after the other!

The next eclipse is a partial solar eclipse new moon in Leo - new beginnings for UKIP that the MSM call the "Purple Party" and that colour also links into Greece and the historic name of the "City of the Purple Crown" apparently Athens gained that name due to the hue of the sky: 

In a recent dream my hair had been rolled around a band in tucks and my hair was different colours - I also had a dream of being at a Summer Fair receiving the produce that people had home grown - made and cooked - hence we were receiving in the dream:

Eclipse of Hearts 

27th July 2018

Not only that but there was also the Queen of Hearts dream - Lady Diana inviting yours truly to join her on a ship in Greece: 

So I can see the link between Steve Bannon former naval officer - and Nigel Farage that enjoys deep sea fishing: Nigel definitely did his best to defend and speak up for Greece in the EU parliament and I did my best to share with Greeks that I met while in their country:

However the Greeks have to wake up due to their now being 70% Muslims in a school in Gazi in Athens - and Germany is organising a Southern Gateway in Greece - we say no to the invasion of our European countries and cultures - we say no to cultural genocide!

Each European country and culture has it's uniqueness and individuality that we must preserve - for the LORD our God is the preserver that reminds me of him asking for cumin so I sent some cumin seeds to Tommy as they are for preservation - salvation is a mystics term for preservation:

Cumin also has my name in it - he put my name everywhere just like he said he would from ancient times onwards - let's have some Capsicum shall we he asked for that too! Historically the Greeks ate cumin for their intestines and they had it on their table as a condiment:

How about the Greek Basil that roots the fastest out of all of the herbs - I met a wonderful Greek family that was living in Australia - fancy that - meeting a Greek healer in Australia - she was lovely and so helpful - they were very advanced in Australia - spiritually and in complimentary medicine:

Australia has a much higher standard of living than we do in the UK - that's why the British government has been unable to recruit Australian doctors for the NHS:

47% of NHS doctors were trained abroad and some foreign doctors don't even speak proper English - how does the NHS expect elderly patients to understand what they are saying: Not only that but different countries have different health conditions:

The ports in our historic European cultures should not be owned by foreign nations nor run by them:

The same with our natural resources of our countries remember what Maggie Thatcher said - "Buy British"

The indigenous people of Peru were against the Chinese buying their copper mountain and we the people in England were against the sell off of our water companies to foreigners too!

When it relates to natural resources like water and energy I support having some nationalised industries in our countries although they have to be managed properly: British Gas - British Telecom the Electricity Boards etc had fantastic staff:

Natural resources belong to the people for the people and water is sacred - for life depends upon it:


I'm calling the next solar eclipse the "LAMBANON solar eclipse" it's a Greek biblical word found in Rev 2:17 

We certainly received more rain today in England after my rain dance - big smiles

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