
Sunday 15 July 2018


Swedish politician Kent Ekeroth was one of the speakers at the Tommy Robinson rally yesterday in London.  He gave a great speech.

If you would like to watch all of the speeches then you can view it when you wish. Some people were beamed in on the large screen and it includes Lord Pearson, (UK) Joy Villa, (USA) and Geert Wilders. (NL) 

All of the speakers at the event are on this filming. Raheem Kassam was a great host for the day, enjoy. Tens of thousands of people turned up on a very hot day in London.

People that were at the "Welcome Trump" rally were told that they couldn't carry their banners and flags through London to join the Free Tommy rally, and that if they did then they would be fined £200. The organisers of the welcome Trump rally shared that the police were even threatening politicians that had arrived to speak and it included UKIP MEP David Kurten who wasn't allowed to speak at the Trump rally. 

Apparently, if there is more than one person carrying a banner or flag, the Met Police consider it to be a procession, and that procession can be stopped. Anyhow, the people at the Trump rally did manage to get from the American embassy to the Tommy rally, and it was one of the best rallies thus far. The flags were flying high, including the American flag. 

History is in the making, a legacy for the children, the future of the nation and our culture. People are uniting around the world, people who are awake, Avi and Debbie flew in from Australia in defence of Tommy Robinson and an American congressman spoke also. 

This movement of truth has gone far beyond the UK. Gerard Batten, the UKIP leader also spoke again, and the great news is that in just one month the membership of UKIP has soared with over 2,000 new members. UKIP is now the fastest growing political party in the UK. 

Onwards and upwards, "the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". With Chiron in Aries, it's passionate, devoted, and dedicated to the cause, this in the recent solar eclipse energies, it's very powerful, the power of love.


Dance of Love

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