
Sunday 1 July 2018


I shared recently that I found a large fish shape in my left hand after the lazuli light flashed on top off my left hand.

In fact, I've just noticed that there are two of the fishes in my left hand, and the left hand can be past life connections. However, this evening I have seen another big fish in my right hand too, biblically the right hand is the hand of righteousness and length of days.

It's really interesting how the signs written in the flesh of your hands change over time. I will try to paint what I can see to share. The fishes in my hands are huge nearly 4 inches in length. In both hands they go up from the base of the hand right up to the major line that goes across. So in the left hand the fishes are going to the left, and in the right hand it's going to the right.

We can dance and we can swim, healers know how to collect the treasure within, love as deep as the ocean and as tall as a tree. When you were born free to see what you were born to see and that which holds the key. The key to David the sailor was in past lives, so many lives shared and experienced.

The rare star that is on the mount in my right hand, (is huge now, it was first identified in the early 90s) the cross star and fish meet at the head line going across due to the size of both. I've seen a large diamond shape in my right hand too. In fact it looks like the large fish is carrying the diamond on it's back. It could be a wing, although it looks too big for that. If I put my hands together in the prayer position than the fish in both hands are going in the same direction.

There is also a much smaller fish on the right hand, coming up from the base of the hand into the bigger fish. This photograph was taken on the 2nd of July, 2018. My look at that photograph, I can see an elderly man with a beard with his arms crossed in the left hand. 

When you notice what is written in your hands has changed, it's important that you take note of it.

Fish is recognised as the symbol chosen by some Christians although we can find it in the spiritual symbology of different cultures spirituality. A symbol of resurrection, and immortality.

In Judaism the fish is a symbol of the faithful of Israel in their true element, the water of Torah. The fish, the food of the blessed in paradise.

Although as we know in scripture it is also the sign of Jonah and in 2010 the whale turned up in Israeli waters.

In Buddhism it is the sign of the footprint of Buddha, of freedom from restraint, and emancipation from any attachments or desires. The fish is also a symbol of the bodhisattva Quan Yin, goddess of mercy and compassionate action.

In Celtic symbology the salmon and trout were associated with sacred wells.


The fish is an emblem of Venus and my Venus is in Pisces in my birth chart.  It's also a symbol of Neptune and the power of the waters of life. The water of the divine feminine, the sacred water of life and the harmonic epiphany.

In Greece you see fish in many places from ancient monuments to modern sculptures of the dolphins, to the Ancient Greeks it is written that it was a symbol of Aphrodite, the love and fecundity. For more information on spiritual symbology in different cultures. I recommend the classic book by J.C.Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols.

"Behold I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me" Isaiah 49:16

"Here I am, the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion". Isaiah 8:18

The Palmist Gary Marwick has symbols in his hands, and is a member and an assessor for BAPS that means that he has been vetted for his accuracy and professionalism and he also vets others. I was a member and an assessor for BAPS in the 90s too.

As far as I am aware it was Russell Grant that started BAPS with some of his colleagues and BAPS is recognised by the British media and British government as a bona fide trade association representing it's professional members.

Gary is a third generation palmist, and spiritual talents and skills often run in families as it did in mine. My grandmother Sophia was clairvoyant and so was my mother. My mother also saw Spirit with her eyes wide open, she used to share how David would appear before her to warn her and prepare her for whenever there was going to be a passing in the family.

He was so protective of her, and after he reincarnated he came to find me. We had such a powerful connection, remote as it was, when we had the time to do some healing together, it was incredible when the two energies were working together. Truly, awesome spiritual experiences and realities, divinely connected through many lifetimes. It's great when people unite like that, when people find each other and know the reasons why.

A Show of Hands

The Video of the Art Project.

The Son of Joseph was also an incredible healer, although he never took it up professionally. The heat emanating from his hands was amazing, the sheer power of love. I remember how he would sit and massage my mum's feet, shoulders and back. His hands were so hot, he had beautiful hands, he said me and him had the piano fingers because he and I had the long slim fingers that I inherited. My hands the feminine of his. 

Some of my fish paintings. 



1 comment:

  1. Update with feedback from Gary
