
Monday 9 July 2018

Coneybury Crop Circle

Coneybury Crop Circle near Stonehenge 8th July, 2018.

Due to the numeric of the crop circle it's symbolic of wisdom in a sacred circle.

A UNESCO world heritage site, Coneybury Henge

8th of July, is the "Day of Pragmatism. Pragmatism is considered to be an attitude, although I view it as an attribute of wisdom. It's an approach to evaluating theories and beliefs in terms of their successful application. 

So for instance when I was looking for a solution for managing health issues, wisdom investigated the options to evaluate the most appropriate remedies and therapies. 

The chosen options were then put into practice for the self, then that which was successful was recommended to clients to try and the reasons why. Recommendations based upon sound reasoning and extensive experience of what works. 

Another example, in marketing, clients have a view of their company and products, then when wisdom does her market research objectively, she found that the market's view of the company and products was different in some cases. Business to business marketing is interesting because there are so many different specifiers involved and it's easy to do your research with the target audience of professionals. Professional business people are not fickle like consumers can be. 

Once the evaluation was carried out, then wisdom was more equipped to come up with solutions for the right way forward in the recommendations to the client based upon professional experience. 

Marketing is a pragmatic approach to business, and an essential requirement in business, especially businesses that manufacture product. Where is the weakness, where is the strength, what are the opportunities and threats to those opportunities and strengths. 

What is unique about the company and what it has to offer. What is unique about a person and what are they offering you, are they pragmatic, creative, inventive, intuitive, are they responding or reactive, are they pro-active. Do they really appreciate their talents and skills and are they making the most of their greatest assets that are naturally given. 

Wisdom is pragmatic and is often divine. When spiritual people evaluate theories and beliefs in terms of their successful application, then history is also examined. An analogy would be taking a case history of a person's life for a thorough examination starting from their birth. 

The same can be done with a company or business. How did it begin, what business did it attract, what clients do they have, what outside influences impacted upon it, how did the business overcome any adversity. The same can be looked at as far as individual countries and cultures are concerned. It's always best to grow a business organically with strong foundations. 

In the same way examining any ideology or theory, the same investigation has to happen. So for instance in my research I've met orthodox Christians that have not done their research on the origins of their beliefs, nor do they comprehend the texts and the symbology in the texts. 

The same can be said for many orthodox Muslims, and there is massive interbreeding in the Islamic community, over 70%. Some Muslims think that they understand biblical symbology, wisdom proved that those men don't! 

However, I found that American Christians were far more into their texts than English Christians and generally, orthodox English Christians are far more reserved.  Spiritual Christians tend to be more advanced, more free flowing, and more open minded and hearted to receive a different view. More open to comparatives, more open to cross-referencing. 

As far as texts are concerned, advanced spiritual people view texts with light in their eyes, when looking at an historical text, it is like looking through a magnifying glass. Seeing a text through the eyes of a mystical healer, reveals aspects of the texts that are in the layers of the metaphysical and alchemic texts.

When wisdom has experienced a biblical reality, it is then easy to explain what it means. Some people often have spiritual experiences yet, because they don't consider cross-referencing with the biblical or other ancient texts, it becomes just that an experience, instead of something that has a profound meaning to them and their lives and those that they were sent to help. 

So be pragmatic in your spirituality, and all areas of your life. Isn't that what Jesus was teaching in the parable of the net. He's brilliant with a great play on words the internet in the last days of the end times. Mathew 13:47-48 

He was instructing his students to make a selection of the fish in the last days of the end times and to only keep that which was healthy and positive for you. 

So if a person is healthy for you then keep them in your life. If after you have explored people's hearts, and you've carried out your investigation in a pragmatic way, then you know in your heart whether that person is good for you and whether your energies are in alignment with each other. 

It's the same with ancient texts, what is healthy for you and what is not, it is up to you to examine it for yourselves. 

Remember the heart is the seat of intelligence and if a person has a positive impact upon you and your life, then they are worthy of you. So for instance if a person is peaceful; their peace can add to yours, and your peace can add to theirs. I can honestly say, with hands on my heart, that having the Son of God in my life certainly added to my peace and peace of mind is essential for life and living it productively. 

When Jesus arrived spiritually in my life,, seeing him with my eyes wide open, listening to him speak, it completely changed my views on many aspects of Christianity that orthodox Christians neither share or comprehend. I remember meeting a retired priest and he asked me if I could teach him unconditional love. It was after I had integrated unconditional love that Jesus the Jew appeared before me. 

However, unconditional love does not mean that you allow anyone to trample upon your soul, otherwise there is nothing left but feeling bereft. As such, it is crucially important that people examine fully what is happening in their cultures and to their cultures, because the godly will not allow cultural genocide to happen on our soil. 

This is England, the land of Joseph, the Son of Joseph that stood with Tony Benn against the EU and it's plan. Maggie Thatcher was correct, when she shared that the EU plan was to make the "Poor poorer" in our country, Maggie gave us plenty of warnings about the EU. Just think of it, she stopped us from going into the EURO currency, what a massive bonus that was. 

Maggie Thatcher was definitely pragmatic and she would've wiped the floor with the career politician Theresa May. Maggie Thatcher a former business woman understood the importance of marketing, and also creativity, inventiveness, and the power of speech in word, thought and deed. 

Communications skills and talents are essential in any business, in any home, relationships, and in parenting too. The Aquarius water bearer is known for their pragmatism and there is an eclipse in Aquarius coming. 

Aquarians can be very blunt and straight to the point, we don't beat around the bush, we are direct, and due to the pragmatism of the elders life experience, we are able to be the ma-estro of our lives. 

Divine guidance is always available to those that have put the real effort into improving themselves, healing themselves, and have embraced the divine teachings joyfully. 

My Venus is in Pisces so it was divine providence from my birth that I would have work to do with the fishes and fishers of men. I even have fishes that have manifested in my hands. Wisdom likes real pragmatic evidence and Prophet Isaiah also spoke about the symbols being a positive sign for Israel.

In 2010 a real whale turned up in Israeli waters, there was great celebrations when the sign of Jonah arrived, just has Jesus had foretold. Israel is a wonderful country, always in my heart. I met some really fabulous spiritual Israeli's whilst walking upon the land.

They are so devoted and dedicated and their gatherings are on a regular basis, they put in so much effort to be together, to share and to grow together. They were incredibly supportive of yours truly, the sacred circle of the holy gathering.

As we know stonehenge is also a location of great gatherings, I have been there a couple of times, my parents took me to see it, and I also went to that area on a school trip.

The biblical text shares that wisdom is a shelter, a refuge for those that required it, especially for the poor. And so it was people were brought to yours truly to help them with their careers and lives, in the 90s some people called yours truly a "Pathfinder". Someone that helps others to find the right path for the individual's requirements and their soul journey.

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